2017 Harley-Davidson Street (2017)
2017 Harley-Davidson street glide CVO flhxse 11,450 miles 114 Milwaukee 8 engine upgrade 475 cam S&S cam plate performance oil pump quickie push rods Nd lifters dynoed at Bowling Green Harley Davidson I’m thinking 112 HP and 117 torque lot of extras including drivers and passenger back rest led driving spot lights Legend rear suspension BDX45 4.5 Rinehart exhaust with ceramic header pipe Danny Gray air hawk seat never been dropped always kept in climate control garage $500 down at end of auction2022-08-17 10:37:17South Portsmouth, Kentucky, United States11,45030,000.00 -
1974 Harley-Davidson Street (1974)
Was told when we bought it a few years back that you can't be mamsy pamsy and he was right:-) it was a kick start. too hard for me.so, we paid a small fortune to get a starter installed and wired up and worked the oil tank to get a bigger battery ,,it worked for 2 days wasn't strong enough :-( we then bought a smaller 2 horsepower starter and a lithium battery. and installed it our selves starts everytime. it gets ""Attention."" pick up largo fl 33770 . unless you pay for uship etc thats how we bought it sight un seen. can do live video chat on whats app to see it start roll down the road live.2022-08-17 11:48:14Largo, Florida, United States07,000.00