There are no motos, sorry
This horoscope prediction is still a top secret! Blind clairvoyant Saint Sergius from Ternopil, Ukraine - decided that his gift should not be wasted, so he remotely helps everyone anyone who wants it. People live in different parts of the country and the world, and not always they have the opportunity to visit the clairvoyant in person. Saint Sergius only needs a small amount of information to read to read your destiny imprint and give you a diagnostic session. It's completely free of charge! It is impossible to discuss horoscope with friends and relatives, because so YOU change the true the course of things, violating your destined path. Get horoscope on our website! Click on link - Get horoscope on our website! Click on link - Get help (1985)
This horoscope prediction is still a top secret! Blind clairvoyant Saint Sergius from Ternopil, Ukraine - decided that his gift should not be wasted, so he remotely helps everyone anyone who wants it. People live in different parts of the country and the world, and not always they have the opportunity to visit the clairvoyant in person.2024-12-04 03:43:10San Miguel de Tucuman, Hawaii, United States11 -
BMW Chrome exhaust (2021)
Exhaust Muffler 2021 BMW R1250RT STOCK NEW EXCELLENT CONDITION2022-04-09 23:10:46HNL, Hawaii, United States0250 -
[QUOTE][b]ÐгафьÑ[/b], [url=] [i][url=]óêðàèíñêèå ñàéòû ñ ìàëîëåòêàìè[/url] [url=]äåâî÷êè ìàëîëåòêè ñïåðìó ïîðíî[/url] c89f60e ^_^[/i] [/url] [url=] Дико хочу мужика, взрослого и опытного. Я ÐŸÐ¾Ð»ÑŽÑ…Ð° Мне 15 лет! Общение, вирт по скайпу. Жду мальчики ^_^ Скажите что я красивая [/url] [/QUOTE] [b]ÐгафьÑ[/b], Ð’Ñе может быть (1980)
[QUOTE][b]ÐгафьÑ[/b], [url=] [i][url=]óêðàèíñêèå ñàéòû ñ ìàëîëåòêàìè[/url] [url=]äåâî÷êè ìàëîëåòêè ñïåðìó ïîðíî[/url] c89f60e ^_^[/i] [/url] [url=] Дико хочу мужика, взрослого и опытного. Я ÐŸÐ¾Ð»ÑŽÑ…Ð° Мне 15 лет! Общение, вирт по скайпу.2021-11-13 04:45:09Тольятти, Hawaii, United States9,223,372,036,854,775,80854909 -
Îïîðíàÿ ïëàíêà ñíàáæåíà ïðîðåçèíåííûì óïëîòíèòåëåì, à âíóòðè íàïðàâëÿþùèõ è íèæíåé ôèêñèðóþùåé ðàìû ðàñïîëàãàåòñÿ ùåòèíèñòûé øëåãåëü - îò ïîïàäàíèÿ èçâíå ïûëè è ìåëêèõ íàñåêîìûõ. ×òîáû ïîäíÿëàñü ðîëëåòíàÿ ìîñêèòíàÿ ñåòêà è ïîëíîñòüþ îòêðûëñÿ ïðî¸ì íåîáõîäèìî íàæàòü íà ìàãíèò èëè çàù¸ëêè âíèçó îñíîâàíèÿ ïëàíêè - ìåõàíèçì ïðèä¸ò â äåéñòâèå è ñêðóòèò âíóòðè ñåòêó â ðóëîí. Ìàêñèìàëüíàÿ âûñîòà âûäâèæåíèÿ óñòðîéñòâà äîñòèãàåò 2-õ ìåòðîâ, ÷òî ïðè óñòàíîâêå íà ñòàíäàðòíûé äâåðíîé ïðî¸ì ïîçâîëÿåò ÷åëîâåêó âûñîêîãî ðîñòà áåç òðóäà ïðîéòè â íåãî. Ðîëåòíûå ìîñêèòíûå ñåòêè ìîæíî óñòàíàâëèâàòü íå òîëüêî â ãîðèçîíòàëüíîì ïîëîæåíèè (çàêðûâàíèå âíèç), íî è â âåðòèêàëüíîì - òîãäà ïðè çàêðûâàíèè å¸ ïðèä¸òñÿ âûòÿãèâàòü âáîê. Íàïðàâëÿþùèé ïðîôèëü ðóëîííîé ñåòêè è îïîðíàÿ ïëàíêà, ñíàáæåíû ñïåöèàëüíûì ù¸òî÷íûì óïëîòíèòåëåì, ÷òî íå äàåò âîçìîæíîñòü ïðîíèêíîâåíèÿ ìîñêèòîâ è ìåëêèõ íàñåêîìûõ [url=]ðîëëåòíûå ìîñêèòíûå ñåòêè öåíà .[/url] Òàêæå åñòü âîçìîæíîñòü ìîíòàæà: íà ñòåíó ïðî¸ìà (àêòóàëüíî, åñëè â ïîìåùåíèè ñòîÿò ìàíñàðäíûå îêíà); íà ðàìó îêíà èëè äâåðè; èçíóòðè è ñíàðóæè ïîìåùåíèÿ. Ïðåèìóùåñòâà ðîëëåòíûõ ñåòîê Ïðè èçãîòîâëåíèè ðîëëåòíûõ ìîñêèòíûõ ñåòîê êîìïàíèÿ Wenster èñïîëüçóåò òîëüêî ïðîâåðåííóþ åâðîïåéñêóþ ôóðíèòóðó è âûïîëíÿåò ñàìûå õîäîâûå è íå ïîäâåðãàåìûå èçíîñó äåòàëè êîíñòðóêöèè èç âûñîêîïðî÷íîãî àëþìèíèåâîãî ñïëàâà. Ïðè ýòîì ïîëîòíî ñåòêè èçãîòàâëèâàåòñÿ èç ìåëü÷àéøèõ ìåòàëëèçèðîâàííûõ âîëîêîí ñ íàíåñåíèåì òåõíè÷åñêè îêðàøåííîãî ïëàñòèêà. ×èòàòü äàëåå: [url=]ñåòêà ðóëîííàÿ öåíà Ìîñêâà.[/url] çàïðîñû: ðîëëåòíàÿ ñåòêà, ðîëëåòíûå ìîñêèòíûå ñåòêè, êóïèòü ðîëëåòíóþ ìîñêèòíóþ ñåòêó, ðîëëåòíûå ìîñêèòíûå ñåòêè öåíà, ðîëëåòíàÿ ñåòêà öåíà, ðóëîííàÿ ñåòêà, ðóëîííûå ìîñêèòíûå ñåòêè, ðóëîííûå ñåòêè íà îêíà, ðóëîííûå ìîñêèòíûå ñåòêè íà îêíà, ðóëîííàÿ ñåòêà êóïèòü, ñåòêà ðóëîííàÿ öåíà, ðóëîííûå ìîñêèòíûå ñåòêè íà äâåðè, ðóëîííûå ìîñêèòíûå ñåòêè êóïèòü, ìîñêèòíàÿ ñåòêà â ðóëîíå (1985)
Îïîðíàÿ ïëàíêà ñíàáæåíà ïðîðåçèíåííûì óïëîòíèòåëåì, à âíóòðè íàïðàâëÿþùèõ è íèæíåé ôèêñèðóþùåé ðàìû ðàñïîëàãàåòñÿ ùåòèíèñòûé øëåãåëü - îò ïîïàäàíèÿ èçâíå ïûëè è ìåëêèõ íàñåêîìûõ. ×òîáû ïîäíÿëàñü ðîëëåòíàÿ ìîñêèòíàÿ ñåòêà è ïîëíîñòüþ îòêðûëñÿ ïðî¸ì íåîáõîäèìî íàæàòü íà ìàãíèò èëè çàù¸ëêè âíèçó îñíîâàíèÿ ïëàíêè - ìåõàíèçì ïðèä¸ò â äåéñòâèå è ñêðóòèò âíóòðè ñåòêó â ðóëîí. Ìàêñèìàëüíàÿ âûñîòà âûäâèæåíèÿ óñòðîéñòâà äîñòèãàåò 2-õ ìåòðîâ, ÷òî ïðè óñòàíîâêå íà ñòàíäàðòíûé äâåðíîé ïðî¸ì ïîçâîëÿåò ÷åëîâåêó âûñîêîãî ðîñòà áåç òðóäà ïðîéòè â íåãî.2018-06-11 09:42:28White , Hawaii, United States253618 -
2010 Other Makes (2010)
Hand built Sapporo moped: only 25 made. Low milesNot mint yet still an eye catcher.Can bore out to 70 80cc thru treatlandtv.Does 37mph; with kit can do 45. Shipping to most US states would be $750 from Hawaii to your city terminal.For more pics send me a dm2016-12-16 04:36:57Kailua Kona, Hawaii, United States21,900.00 -
2012 Harley-Davidson Softail (2012)
2012 Harley Davidson Custom Fatboy FLSTF new Front tire and new 200mm rear tire.New safety and registration.New brake pads103 engine, six speed transmission.$3,000 Custom paint from Cosmic Airbrush!Klock works front fender, custom back fender, beach bars, custom contrast wheels, 21" front, 17" back.Vance & Hines Big Shot Staggered Chrome. Tuner2" lowering kit front & back.Kuryakyn multi colored neon lights.Polished forks.Extended shifter and brake arms.Kuryakyn extended shifter & brake pedal, Kuryakyn Boar Linkage.Cooling FanGarage kept, serviced always done before needed, and well taken care of. We can send videos/pictures.No warranties with this sale, sold as is.You are responsible for all shipping charges.2016-11-02 04:39:07Pearl City, Hawaii, United States2540126 -
Campagnolo Vento Front Wheel Clincher 700c Retro Vintage Shamal Campy (0)
Minor superficial scratches, but otherwise flawless. Near new condition. Includes tire and skewer. Will arrive completely ready to ride.2016-10-22 04:52:58Mililani, Hawaii, United States0350.00 -
2008 Harley-Davidson Touring (2008)
custom bagger roadking speed by designs bags,gas tank covers,lids,nacelle all performance machine covers hydraulic clutch pm floorboards mad wheels 30 inch chrome wheel twist pm air cleaner t max tuner woods 888 cams dakota speedo,beach handlebars,internal wiring and hydraulic lines in bars,chrome hand controls dirty air ride front and back matte metallic blue call willy 808 520 07582016-10-08 04:33:59Kailua, Hawaii, United States530,000.00 -
AIRWOLF THE MOVIE New Sealed DVD Jan-Michael-Vincent Region 1 (0)
Brand new sealed, thanks for looking.2016-08-23 05:02:02Aiea, Hawaii, United States013.99 -
Twelfth Street By Cynthia Vincent Somer Crossbody Bag (0)
BRAND NEW! Twelfth Street by Cynthia Vincent Somer Crossbody Bag Color: Cobalt with Gold Etched Tribal Detail Suede exterior with fabric lining Measurements: 10.5" (L) x 7" (H) x 0.5" (D) Detachable, adjustable shoulder strap Zip top closure with leather pull Inside zip closure pocket and 2 slit pockets MSRP $225 No Box, just dust bag Returns only on items not matching the description and that have not been opened Please pay within 48 hours after the end of the auction If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me! Serious bidders only! Thanks for looking!2016-08-22 05:08:49Wailuku, Hawaii, United States0140.00 -
MTG Magic the Gathering Beta Underground Sea Dual BGS 9.5 Gem Mint Gorgeous Card (0)
MINT Beta Underground Sea BGS 9.5 [ID#0008379977], x 1 MTG Magic the Gathering Singles - MTG BGS Graded Cards Please note, above image is a scanned image, taken at the time of listing, Condition: GRADED. You will receive x 1, Beta Underground Sea BGS 9.5 [ID#0008379977] card(s) shown the image above. Item Description Buyers Note: Pack Fresh Mint!2016-08-19 05:21:36Honolulu, Hawaii, United States06,820.00 -
2016 Other Makes Polaris (2016)
MUST SEE! I am selling a 2016 Custom Polaris Slingshot. This bike is in perfect condition and it truly stands out wherever you go.2016-08-16 04:51:02Honolulu, Hawaii, United States376000 -
The winning bidder will receive a VERONICA MARS PIECEWORKS PW9 ALYSON HANNIGAN as TRINA ECHOLLS WORN DRESS COSTUME. Card is in NM-MT condition or better. Please take a look at the image provided for more information.2016-08-09 05:27:17Honolulu, Hawaii, United States017.99 -
EAGLES - Desperado (CD Mastered by Barry Diament, Disc Made in West Germany) (1)
Detailed item info Album Features UPC: 075596062725 Artist: Eagles Format: CD Release Year: 1989 Record Label: Elektra (Label) Genre: Country Rock, Rock & Pop Track Listing 1. Doolin-Dalton 2. Twenty-One 3.2016-07-21 04:58:38Mililani, Hawaii, United States08.99 -
2011 Suzuki GSX-R (2011)
2011 GSX-R600 with motorcycle gear for sale. Tires were replaced about 4 months ago. It's in great condition.2016-07-16 04:49:50Kailua, Hawaii, United States116,999.00 -
2009 Harley-Davidson Softail (2009)
2009 Harley FXCW Softail Rocker Mint condition, garage stored Black and powder coated grey Only 1,305 miles 96 cubic inch, fuel injected, 6 speed manual transmission 240 rear tire Custom parts include: Custom pipes Air cleaner Mirrors & signals New Battery Includes all original parts Buyer pays shipping2016-07-16 04:37:51Pahoa, Hawaii, United States110,000.00 -
MTG Magic the Gathering - Beta - Cursed Land (0)
Picture are scans of the actual cards/items you will receive. There is no combined shipping for international orders. Combined shipping is only $2.99 plus $0.50 for each additional order for US orders purchased within 7 days for singles and collection lots only.2016-07-08 05:43:43Mililani, Hawaii, United States0310 -
MTG Magic the Gathering - Beta - Nettling Imp (0)
Picture are scans of the actual cards/items you will receive. There is no combined shipping for international orders. Combined shipping is only $2.99 plus $0.50 for each additional order for US orders purchased within 7 days for singles and collection lots only.2016-07-08 05:41:13Mililani, Hawaii, United States0360 -
MTG Magic the Gathering - Beta - Weakness (0)
Picture are scans of the actual cards/items you will receive. There is no combined shipping for international orders. Combined shipping is only $2.99 plus $0.50 for each additional order for US orders purchased within 7 days for singles and collection lots only.2016-07-08 05:40:46Mililani, Hawaii, United States0180 -
2015 Yamaha YZ (2015)
J Vincent Women's Boots 7.5 (0)
Only worn a couple of times. Beautiful soft brown J Vincent leather booties with drawstring. Heel height is 4".2016-07-04 05:04:52Kihei, Hawaii, United States094 -
1964 Harley-Davidson Softail (1964)
This beautiful 1964 Harley Davidson FL Panhead is a true American icon. A jewel forged from metal it is rebuilt with care ridden with adoration and A bike that loves attention and a bike that deserves respect. Specifications for the Panhead.2016-07-01 04:38:24Lihue, Hawaii, United States6011,000.00 -
Mission to America : A History of Saint Vincent Archabbey (2000)
Mission to America - A History of Saint Vincent Archabbey, The First Benedictine Monastery in the United States ISBN-10: 0813209579 ISBN-13: 9780813209579 Like new, unused, unmarked, as shown in scan. Retails new at: $57 PLEASE ALSO SEE OUR OTHER HISTORY LISTINGS2016-06-25 05:14:36Kailua, Hawaii, United States012.99 -
PG Short (Phongeer) performance exhaust for Elite 50, Dio, SYM, Cordy, KYMCO (0)
Phongeer PG SHORT race exhaust"FREE SET LIGHTER ROLLER WEIGHTS INCLUDED"BIG SUMMER SALE w/Free ShippingSmall shipment PG SHORTS from Phongeer MotorSports. Getting harder and harder to find these one of the BEST if not the BEST race exhaust for "non-stroke" (66cc to 82cc) Dio Vertigo type engines. These are expansion chambers, will make major HP and rev to the moon on a ported cylinder.2016-06-25 04:58:01Honolulu, Hawaii, United States0165.00 -
2009 BMW K-Series (2009)
Tel: 808.596.0733 Fax: 808.591.86341133 Hopaka Street, Honolulu, HI 96814 EBizAutos 2009 BMW K1200LT LIKE NEW ONE OWNER, PHOTOS PHOTOS VIDEOS VIDEOS Photo 1 of 36 Request More Info VIN: WB10559A49ZL74448 Stock #: 7448 Condition: Used Clear Title Mileage: 457 Engine: 1200 Drivetrain: Rear Wheel Drive Exterior Color: Black PHOTO VIEWER PHOTO VIEWER VIEW OTHER AUCTIONS VIEW OTHER AUCTIONS EMAIL A FRIEND EMAIL A FRIEND MORE PHOTOS & DETAILS MORE PHOTOS & DETAILS Additional Photos Additional Photos: Click Thumbnails to View 36 Full-Size Photos Auto Connection LLC Honolulu HI Contact Dragan Ijacic 808-596-0733 Mobile: 808-393-7995 Fax: 808-591-8634 Vehicle Overview 2009 BMW K1200KT, ONLY 457 MILES, LIKE NEW, IMMACULATE, GARAGED, SERVICED Buyer Resources Contact Dragan Ijacic for more information Phone: 808-596-0733 Mobile: 808-393-7995 Fax: 808-591-8634 Request More Info Vehicle Condition Exterior Excellent exterior condition Black Paint Glossy, Original Paint No Rust Excellent Chrome & Trim Service History No Known Problems Features Upgrades Financing Information At AUTO CONNECTION LLC we can help you finance or lease any of our cars. Its not required that you finance with us. If you need help or guidance we would be glad to guide you through the process.2016-06-23 04:56:54Honolulu, Hawaii, United States45725706 -
Mens 34 Desperado Dark Blue Denim Classic Rise Tapered Leg Jeans 29x27 HeavyDuty (0)
UP FOR SALE IS A MAN'S PAIR OF *DESPERADO* CLASSIC RISE TAPERED LEG JEANS Dark Blue Denim Wash with Factory Fading / Brass Stitching / Brass Tone Signature Logo Button and Rivets / Tan Leather Logo Patch on Back of Waistband Measurements Laying Flat:Tag size is 34Please check the measurements very carefully as the stated size does not match up with the measured size.Waist (matched up and measured side to side): 14 1/2” across (29” around)Front rise: 13"Back rise: 16”Hips (measured across bottom of zipper from edge to edge): 21 1/2" (21 1/2" x 2 = 43")Thigh (measured 3" down from the crotch seam): 11 1/2” (11 1/2” x 2 = 23")Knees: 10" across (20" around)Inseam: 27" (they have been shortened)Hem leg opening: 9 1/2” across (19” around)(Please compare these measurements with your favorite pair of jeans.) Style:Classic rise, 1 1/2” waistband with 7 belt loops, zipper fly/button closure, tapered leg, 5-pocket styling, yoke back, 100% cotton, heavy duty, made in Macau, they might be vintage Washing Instructions:Machine wash warm. Tumble dry low. Do not bleach.2016-06-22 05:05:03Kailua Kona, Hawaii, United States03.95 -
2006 Ducati Superbike (2006)
Looking to sell my bike, I'm starting the Honolulu Police Academy this August, so I need to let go of the temptations this bike gives me to break laws. Here's the pros and cons. Bike is sold "AS IS".2016-06-21 04:58:38Mililani, Hawaii, United States936000 -
S768 Desperado Gunman "At Bay" VINTAGE Artist Signed Postcard UN (0)
S768 Desperado Gunman "At Bay" VINTAGE Artist Signed Postcard UN Click to Enlarge Description: Original, vintage postcard. See About Me for more information on my money-back guarantee, shipping & handling fees, listing abbreviations and other policies you should know about my auctions. Please check back frequently; I list new postcards almost every week. And remember, you can bid and buy with confidence, I guarantee your satisfaction! Thank you for visiting.2016-06-18 05:08:06Kailua Kona, Hawaii, United States012.50 -
The winning bidder will receive a 2004 SWEET SPOT MICHAEL VENTO RC PRINTING PLATE NY YANKEES #1/1. Card is in NM-MT condition or better with slight fading to the card. Please take a look at the image provided for more information.2016-06-16 05:24:13Honolulu, Hawaii, United States014.99 -
Antonio Banderas * DESPERADO * Action DVD (0)
laiesteve Store Antonio Banderas * DESPERADO * Action DVD DESPERADO Antonio Banderas * Salma Hayek Antonio Banderas, Joaquim De Almeida, Salma Hayek, Steve Buscemi, Cheech Marin and Quentin Tarantino star in this stylish shoot-'em-up described as a south-of-the-border Pulp Fiction. Director Robert Rodriguez follows up his legendary debut film, El Mariachi, with this sexy sequel about a mysterious guitar player (Banderas) searching for vengeancfe against the men who murdered his girlfriend. This DVD is used and in excellent condition. The movie is rated R and presented in widescreen, with English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Thai and Chinese (Mandarin) subtitles. The film runs 103 minutes in length.2016-06-16 05:08:31Laie, Hawaii, United States012.95 -
2004 - Custom Built Motorcycles Chopper (2004)
-Softail Chopper Frame 41 Degree w/ Internal Lines -Steel Tank Through-Frame Flush Mount Gas Cap -Narrow 65t Polish Pulley -LH Drive 6-Speed Baker Transmission w/ Serial Number -Polished Dominator 4" Belt Drive -Radius Viper Left Side Single -Radius Side Mount Adapter -Performance Machine 11/16 HGM Contour LH Clutch -Rear Drive Side Brake 1" Axle -21x2.15 Polished Front Reaper -18x10.3 Polished Reaper -Insulating Exhaust Wrap -Illuminating Pro Tail Lights -Stampede Concealed Throttle -S&S Super G Carb -Mikuni 42mm Polished Carb -Triple Tree Set 6 Degrees -Custom Seat2014-09-17 11:23:49Mililani, Hawaii, United States5026000 -
Harley-Davidson : VRSC 2008 Harley Davidson Night Rod (0)
2008 Night Rod Special with accessories. Great bike, unfortunately I don't have time to ride as much as I'd like and feel it is time to let another enjoy it as much as I have. It has a scratch on the rear fender where I closed a garage door on it.2014-01-29 05:00:41Honolulu, HI111,000.00 -
Aprilia : RSV1000r Aprilia RSV1000r Haga Replica #105 (0)
Registered as a 2003 Aprilia RSV1000r Nori Haga Replica #105 of 300 produced.... Supposedly there were only 60 units shipped to the U.S.? Information of bike: *Ohlins suspension front back and Steering damper *OZ Racing wheels w/D211 gp soft compound mounted *Akrapovic Exhaust w/Bulldogged Cans 5"off stock length "sounds better and felt it added a lil better throttle responce" *SBK Carbon Air-box w/57mm throttle bodies from 51mm stock *Evoluzione fuel pressure regulator *Gabro Performance Eprom chip and stock SBK Haga Eprom *Brisk Spark plugs *520 speed conversion *Robby Moto Rear-sets *Fren Tubo Kevlar Brakelines w/EBC HH brake pads *MPL Clutch slave cylinder 30% lighter pull on lever *CRG folding levers *Rizoma Brake and Clutch reservoirs *Rizoma Grips *Attack Racing Clip-ons *Carbon Fiber quick release gas cap *H.I.D.2014-01-29 04:55:17Kihei, HI015,000.00 -
New 2012 Yamaha YW125 for sale. (0)
Is saving gas important to you? Then look no further this is the vehicle for you. Able to keep up with traffic no problem and easy to park.2014-01-29 03:33:17Lihue, HI53,999.00 -
Do laced wheels, whitewalls and studded leather add to the way a bike feels on the road? Of course they do. It's these extras that make the Heritage Softail Classic model the quintessential boulevard cruiser.2014-01-29 03:33:14Lihue, HI4211,999.00 -
Used 2012 DUCATI MONSTER for sale. (0)
Ducati monster 796 the name doesn't do it justice! Fast, quick whatever you call it to fast for the highway. Like brand-new condition low miles superclean single owner time for the 2nd owner to come and get her!2014-01-29 03:33:10Lihue, HI7079,999.00 -
2004 Harley Davidson Fatboy-Must See!!!!! (0)
2009 kawasaki 450f fuel injected (0)
New 2014 HARLEY DAVIDSON FXDB (FAT BOB) for sale. (0)
If you're ready to take out the bees that the new 2014 Dina fat Bob is the bike for you! The Dyna dates back as far as 1971 for the infamous Dyna glide Sturgis model! The Dyna insatiable hunger for style adventure means these custom machines can handle every epic journey you want to take on!2014-01-27 00:11:08Lihue, HI1019,199.00 -
New 2013 HARLEY DAVIDSON V ROD MUSCLE for sale. (0)
Born from its bold and fierce racing lineage the VROD muscle blast power and performance from the very throw of the throttle and look great doing it! Coming in test drive the biggest muscle on the road 2013 Harley Davidson Vrod muscle nothing compares!2014-01-27 00:11:04Lihue, HI919,299.00 -
Used 2012 HARLEY DAVIDSON FLSTC for sale. (0)
CALL JC OR ARLEN AT 808-212-XXXX Do laced wheels, whitewalls and studded leather add to the way a bike feels on the road? Of course they do. It's these extras that make the Heritage Softail Classic model the quintessential boulevard cruiser.2014-01-27 00:00:23Lihue, HI719,999.00 -
Used 2013 HARLEY DAVIDSON XL1200C for sale. (0)
The ultimate wide-shouldered cruiser, now featuring optional H-D1 Factory Customization. A wide front end and chunky 16-inch tire give the Harley-Davidson 1200 Custom a strong and contemporary stance that features a pull-back handlebar and a reshaped LED tail lamp. While these elements combine to give the 1200 Custom an exciting look, the 1200 Custom also debuted H-D1 factory customization, an opportunity that allows the customer to choose from 7 option categories to optimize fit, function and style.There are no electrical problems with this vehicle.2014-01-27 00:00:22Lihue, HI111,999.00 -
New 2014 Harley Davidson FX-SB for sale. (0)
The new 2014 break out Harley Davidson's Muscle in motion. When it comes to Break out models the magic number is 3 horseshoe oil tank, hidden suspension and an uncommonly smooth ride has to be all 3 or it's not a Breakout throw in some cool customs style on top of this engineering prodigy and you'll get yourself a Motorcycle like no other!2014-01-27 00:00:22Lihue, HI123,199.00 -
2008 Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 XL (0)
Garage kept, like new still under warranty. Options Include: Oil Cooler, Trans Cooler Click contact link below for more details. Engine Description: View The Rest Of This Seller's Inventory: (opens in new window)2014-01-26 01:11:12Ewa Beach, HI310,000.00 -
New Honda CB1100.. Retro with all new Techno!!! (0)
Contact for details.. on second 1 to hit Island MikeEngine Type 1140cc air- and oil-cooled inline 4 cylBore And Stroke 73.5mm x 67.2mmInduction PGM-FI with automatic enrichment circuit, 32mm throttle bodiesIgnition Digital transistorized with electronic advanceCompression Ratio 9.5:1Valve Train DUAL OVERHEAD CAM; 4 valves per cylinderDRIVE TRAINTransmission 5 gearFinal Drive #530 O-ring-sealed chainCHASSIS / SUSPENSION / BRAKESFront Suspension 41mm fork with spring preload adjustabilityRear Suspension Dual shocks with spring preload adjustabilityFront Brake Dual four-piston calipers with full-floating 296mm discsRear Brakes Single-caliper 256mm discFront Tire 110/80-18Rear Tire 140/70-18DIMENSIONSRake 27.0 degrees (Caster Angle)Trail 107mm (4.2 ins)Wheelbase 58.7 insSeat Height 31.3insFuel Capacity 3.9 gallonsOTHERModel Id CB1100Emissions Meets current EPA standards. California version meets current CARB standards and may differ slightly due to emissions equipment.Available Colors Candy RedFACTORY WARRANTY DETAILS1 Yr Transferable, unlimited-mileage limited warranty; extended coverage available with a Honda Protection Plan.Description *Honda's fuel economy estimates are based on EPA exhaust emission measurement test procedures and are intended for comparison purposes only.2014-01-25 05:55:06Honolulu, HI0 -
Polini variator for Kymco sym dd50 (0)
piikoi st Polini's Hi-Speed offers a combination strong drive from low down, as well as higher top end speed. This proven variomatic is well-manufactured and comes with 2xsets of variomatic weights (5.6g and 6.9g), 3x sliders for the vario plates and open variomatic sleeve. Far greater increase in acceleration than top end, means better pull low down MADE IN ITALY2014-01-25 05:33:06Honolulu, HI080.00 -
2003 Kawasaki KDX 200 AWESOME TRAIL BIKE!! (0)
Best bang for your buck trail bike!Complete top and bottom end rebuild. All seals, o-rings, & bearing replacementFresh Wiseco pistonReplated cylinder by langcourt plating techCarburetor worked by Ron BlackHead work from Ron BlackFMF Woods pipe with stock silencer2001 KX 250 USD forks (fresh oil and seals)Bark BustersPro Taper 1-1/eighth handlebarsFresh rebuilt rear shock from FRP offroadThis bike has everything that you could want to do a KDX already done. Keep the airfilter clean, run good two stroke oil, and change the trans oil and this bike will last as long as your riding!!2014-01-25 05:22:02Honolulu, HI02,100.00 -
2003 Suzuki 85 Dirt Bike (0)
2003 SUZUKI 85 DIRT BIKE DA BIKE IS BROKEN IT NEEDS A PISTON "SO DON'T WASTE MY ------- TIME" $500 OBO2014-01-25 05:00:16Honolulu, HI0500.00 -
98 honda shadow (0)
98 honda shadow brand new fuel pumpand rebuilt carbs price is obo if interested contact me at daniel2014-01-25 04:22:07Honolulu, HI02,000.00 -
2001 Kawasaki KLR 250 (0)
The bike has been sitting and I fear the worst. I think that the motor is kaputt. It will start with a new battery, but sounds like you're blending a wedding ring.2014-01-25 04:00:21Honolulu, HI0700.00 -
2013 Honda CRF 450 (0)
2013 CRF 450 $6.00 gas Kona to Hilo! Basic nicks and scratch. Asking $4,042 call #2014-01-25 03:44:08Honolulu, HI04,042.00 -
91 ktm 300 2stroke (0)
Running little bit work needed 500 obo call text2014-01-25 03:22:10Honolulu, HI05.00 -
2004 Honda Rebel 250cc in great condition (0)
Selling my four Honda Rebel 250 cruiser bike. Bought it for gf to learn on and now she wants to move on to a sportsbike. Low miles for this year and type of bike at 15,445.Mechanically this bike is great.2014-01-25 03:00:46Honolulu, HI02,099.00 -
Used 2009 Honda Shadow Aero VT750 (0)
Pre-owned and in superb shape. 17421mis. Bags.2014-01-25 03:00:15Honolulu, HI17 -
Hot Bike! 2008 Suzuki Boulevard Cruiser (0)
2008 Suzuki Boulevard C5020xxx milesNew tiresNew batteryRecent tune upEngine crash guardVance & Hines exhaust upgrade (sets off car alarms!!!)Attractive color, and terrific condition.New registration and safety, good for 1 yr.To preview the actual bike, visit YouTube: you are looking to finance the bike, Pearl Harbor Federal Credit Union finances motorcycles at reasonable rates, be a resident of Oahu to become a member. We have title and registration in hand. Before requesting a showing, verifiable proof of funds are required to be brought to your appointment.2014-01-25 02:33:27Honolulu, HI04,500.00 -
2008 Yamaha 1900cc (0)
I left the island. Make me an offer! This bike is powerful, sexy, and high performance!2014-01-25 02:33:26Honolulu, HI07,100.00 -
2012 Victory Vegas 8 Ball (0)
2012 Victory Vegas eight Ball for $10,000 OBO. Includes Stage one X-Bow pipes, dealer installed fuel chip, Cats eye mirrors, passenger seat, and passenger pegs. Paid almost $19,000 last year.2014-01-25 01:55:05Honolulu, HI010,000.00 -
race ready 08 honda crf250r (0)
08 honda crf250 r - lots of aftermarket parts - pro circuit twin titanium pipe -full factory connection suspension-red billet hubs with hd stainless spokes , black rims -2sets of plastic ,stock red &All white -radiator braces - pc bar mount , red - renthal fat bars -blue hose kit - hr meter 62.7 hours on bike .well maintained. Many more aftermarket parts , $3900 obo call for info mahalo2014-01-25 01:22:11Honolulu, HI03,900.00 -
07 honda ruckus custom$$$ (0)
07 honda ruckusCustom lower seatStretch 7ins Jog 2stroke motor72 molossi Jetted carb,v8 pipe,7-1 gears,Kelly clutch and rampBike goes easy 60mphBike doesn't have keyVins is clean ran it through DMV and police stationI have bill of sale just have to turn it in so u can put it under ur nameIf u interested come check it out before DMV close so u can run the vins ur self1,002014-01-25 00:11:05Honolulu, HI01,000.00 -
07 Yamaha R6 Raven Edition (0)
*07 Yamaha R6 raven edition*Clear title*10135mis*registration expires October 2014*safety expires June 2014*pazzo levers*tinted windscreen *sliders*smoked integrated tail*HID light*vortex 435-50 rear sprocket*two brothers slip on exhaust*flush mount turn signal lightClean!!!!$6000 oboNO BLOCKED CALLS and NO EMAIL!!No cash no test drive!!2014-01-24 05:55:06Honolulu, HI106,000.00
Yamaha YZ Price Analytics
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2025 Yamaha YZF-R9 Review Gallery
Wed, 19 Mar 20252025 Yamaha YZF-R9 Review Gallery | Join Now My History Account Settings Log out Specs Classifieds Bike Reviews Product Reviews Best Motorcycle Cameras Best Motorcycle Earplugs Best Motorcycle Oil Best Leather Jackets Best Winter Gloves Best Sportbike Tires GPS Buyers Guide Gear Deals Types Adventure Touring Cruiser Electric Off-Road On-Off-Road Other Scooter Sport-Touring Sportbikes Standard Touring Touring Scooter Track Youth Brands Aprilia BMW CFMoto Ducati Energica Gas-Gas Harley-Davidson Honda Husqvarna Indian Kawasaki KTM Kymco Moto Guzzi MV Agusta Piaggio Royal Enfield Suzuki Triumph Vespa Yamaha Zero Resources New Rider's Hub Dealers Safety Forums Videos Insurance Specs Classifieds Bike Reviews Product Reviews Best Motorcycle Cameras Best Motorcycle Earplugs Best Motorcycle Oil Best Leather Jackets Best Winter Gloves Best Sportbike Tires GPS Buyers Guide Gear Deals Types Adventure Touring Cruiser Electric Off-Road On-Off-Road Other Scooter Sport-Touring Sportbikes Standard Touring Touring Scooter Track Youth Brands Aprilia BMW CFMoto Ducati Energica Gas-Gas Harley-Davidson Honda Husqvarna Indian Kawasaki KTM Kymco Moto Guzzi MV Agusta Piaggio Royal Enfield Suzuki Triumph Vespa Yamaha Zero Resources New Rider's Hub Dealers Safety Forums Videos Insurance Join Now My History Account Settings Log out Edit & Post 2025 Yamaha YZF-R9 Review Gallery It feels like we've been waiting forever for the R9, and once Yamaha finally announced it last October, we had to wait just a bit more to get the chance to ride it. After a full day of riding at Sonoma Raceway, we learn how the YZF-R9 fits into the rest of Yamaha's R family. Read the full story here.
2025 Yamaha YZF-R9 – First Ride Review
Wed, 19 Mar 2025Yamaha’s long-awaited sportbike isn’t what you think Photos by Joseph Agustin. Video by Ray Gauger. The worst-kept secret in motorcycling for the past few years, Yamaha’s long-awaited YZF-R9 is finally here for us to ride!
5 Things You Need To Know About the Yamaha Tracer 9 GT+
Wed, 27 Nov 2024Recently, the staff had the chance to tour the beautiful Ontario countryside to experience the fall colors and to get a taste of what Northern Ontario has to offer. It’s a stunning place, and we thank our friends at Destination Ontario for making it all possible. Watch the feature video about our trip here or you can read about our trip here. This trip was made possible by our friends at Destination Ontario.
2024 Yamaha MT-09 SP Review – First Ride
Wed, 28 Aug 2024Better suspension and Track mode brings us so close to an R9 Photos by Dave Schelske As the tail rider in a train of approximately seven identical Yamahas, I couldn’t help but watch in awe as each of us weaved our way through the notorious Tail of the Dragon, bending the bike underneath us to our will through the 120-something corners, the unison of the dance mesmerizing as each of us took our turn, one by one, around each apex, at irresponsible speeds, front wheels inches away from the person in front of us. This is the kind of trust you build up after you’ve ridden with the same group of people for years on end. We all know that riding with your friends is fun.
2024 Yamaha MT-09 SP Gallery
Wed, 28 Aug 20242024 Yamaha MT-09 SP Gallery | Join Now My History Account Settings Log out Specs Classifieds Bike Reviews Product Reviews Best Motorcycle Cameras Best Motorcycle Earplugs Best Motorcycle Oil Best Leather Jackets Best Winter Gloves Best Sportbike Tires GPS Buyers Guide Gear Deals Types Adventure Touring Cruiser Electric Off-Road On-Off-Road Other Scooter Sport-Touring Sportbikes Standard Touring Touring Scooter Track Youth Brands Aprilia BMW CFMoto Ducati Energica Gas-Gas Harley-Davidson Honda Husqvarna Indian Kawasaki KTM Kymco Moto Guzzi MV Agusta Piaggio Royal Enfield Suzuki Triumph Vespa Yamaha Zero Resources New Rider's Hub Dealers Safety Forums Videos Insurance Specs Classifieds Bike Reviews Product Reviews Best Motorcycle Cameras Best Motorcycle Earplugs Best Motorcycle Oil Best Leather Jackets Best Winter Gloves Best Sportbike Tires GPS Buyers Guide Gear Deals Types Adventure Touring Cruiser Electric Off-Road On-Off-Road Other Scooter Sport-Touring Sportbikes Standard Touring Touring Scooter Track Youth Brands Aprilia BMW CFMoto Ducati Energica Gas-Gas Harley-Davidson Honda Husqvarna Indian Kawasaki KTM Kymco Moto Guzzi MV Agusta Piaggio Royal Enfield Suzuki Triumph Vespa Yamaha Zero Resources New Rider's Hub Dealers Safety Forums Videos Insurance Join Now My History Account Settings Log out Edit & Post 2024 Yamaha MT-09 SP Gallery We're fans of the standard Yamaha MT-09 as it is, but for $1,700 more, the MT-09 SP is worth the extra dough. Read the full story here. Photos by Dave Schelske.
2024 Yamaha MT-09 Review – First Ride
Tue, 14 May 2024More minor changes in anticipation of the R9 Photos by Joseph Agustine. There really wasn’t a reason to update Yamaha’s MT-09. We love the MT-09, and apparently you do too – it’s been Yamaha’s best-selling MT model for a decade.
2024 Yamaha Ténéré 700 First Ride
Wed, 13 Dec 2023Small updates keep the T7 fresh, but we're still missing out on the European variants Photos by Yamaha/Joseph Agustin Photo Yamaha’s popular Ténéré 700 “T7” adventure bike returns for 2024, and while it would be easy to say it is “largely unchanged” from the 2023 model, there have been some notable changes made in response to feedback from many North American riders. One wish still unrealized: the U.S. dealers won’t be getting the up-spec World Raid and numerous other versions of the T7 the EU enjoys - at least not this year.
2024 Yamaha Tracer 9 GT+ Gallery
Tue, 29 Aug 20232024 Yamaha Tracer 9 GT+ Gallery | Join Now My History Account Settings Log out Specs Classifieds Bike Reviews Product Reviews Best Motorcycle Cameras Best Motorcycle Earplugs Best Motorcycle Oil Best Leather Jackets Best Winter Gloves Best Sportbike Tires GPS Buyers Guide Gear Deals Types Adventure Touring Cruiser Electric Off-Road On-Off-Road Other Scooter Sport-Touring Sportbikes Standard Touring Touring Scooter Track Youth Brands Aprilia BMW CFMoto Ducati Energica Gas-Gas Harley-Davidson Honda Husqvarna Indian Kawasaki KTM Kymco Moto Guzzi MV Agusta Piaggio Royal Enfield Suzuki Triumph Vespa Yamaha Zero Resources New Rider's Hub Dealers Safety Forums Videos Insurance Specs Classifieds Bike Reviews Product Reviews Best Motorcycle Cameras Best Motorcycle Earplugs Best Motorcycle Oil Best Leather Jackets Best Winter Gloves Best Sportbike Tires GPS Buyers Guide Gear Deals Types Adventure Touring Cruiser Electric Off-Road On-Off-Road Other Scooter Sport-Touring Sportbikes Standard Touring Touring Scooter Track Youth Brands Aprilia BMW CFMoto Ducati Energica Gas-Gas Harley-Davidson Honda Husqvarna Indian Kawasaki KTM Kymco Moto Guzzi MV Agusta Piaggio Royal Enfield Suzuki Triumph Vespa Yamaha Zero Resources New Rider's Hub Dealers Safety Forums Videos Insurance Join Now My History Account Settings Log out Edit & Post 2024 Yamaha Tracer 9 GT+ Gallery We had the pleasure of riding 950 miles across three states in two days. Here are some photos of the GT+. By Evans Brasfield Pin Slideshow Edit Slideshow Along Highway 50 in Nevada The Sierras Seen from 9,000 Feet The Millimeter Wave Transmitter 10 Position Adjustable Windshield Great Cornering Capabilities The Garmin Motorize App Provides Navigation Yamaha Ride Control (YRC) Street Settings YRC Custom Mode Allows Full Adjustment One of Three Speedometer Styles All LED Lighting Aggressive in Stature Rider Seat in Low Position Adjustable Foot Peg Height Semi-Active Suspension Adapts to Conditions Hand Guards are Silly in Hot Weather Unified Braking is a Game Changer Sport Mode Delivers Smooth Throttle Response Saddlebags are Easily Removable Rear Preload Adjuster A Willing Travel Partner Sport Mode Offers Stiffer Suspension In the Mountains of Idaho The New Joystick A Familiar Engine Steering is Responsive for a Bike This Size Made for Travel About Privacy Terms Contact us Advertising Copyright Follow us © 2024 VerticalScope Inc.
2024 Yamaha Tracer 9 GT+ Review
Thu, 17 Aug 2023Riding 950 miles across three states in two days highlights this Tracer’s capabilities Photography by Joseph Augustin New motorcycle model introductions follow a well-worn path: travel to the event location, eat nice meals, get briefed on the bike of the moment, ride a route designed to highlight the bike’s strengths, take photos/video, eat more good food, return home, and write up a review. After 27 years in this industry, I still get a cheap thrill about throwing a leg over a new motorcycle before it is available to the general public. However, what really gets me going is when I have a chance to log more than just the couple of hundred miles typically covered in an intro and spend some real time on the road with said bike.
2023 Yamaha Tracer 9 GT+ Review – First Ride
Thu, 18 May 2023Yamaha’s sports tourer middleweight receives an influx of technology for 2023 Astute readers are probably wondering why is publishing a First Ride of a bike that’s not coming to the States this model year. Our reasoning is that, thanks to the sleuthing of Dennis Chung, we suspect the Yamaha Tracer 9 GT+ will be coming to the U.S. in 2024.