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  • Channel x1 MTG Magic Beta Moderate Play, EnglishChannel x1 MTG Magic Beta Moderate Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Moderate Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-10-11 05:26:48
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Purelace x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, EnglishPurelace x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Heavy Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-08-19 05:21:26
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Lot of 6 Beta VHS tapes for re-recording-Kodak XHG L-750Lot of 6 Beta VHS tapes for re-recording-Kodak XHG L-750 (0)
    Still got your Beta unit????---These 6 KodakXHG-Extra High Grade, L-750 Beta tapes have been recorded once [with old movies-from the TV].  They can easily be recorded over with your favorites.  Cases have minor handling dings, but no splits or sticker marks.
    2016-08-09 05:20:49
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Air Elemental x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, EnglishAir Elemental x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Heavy Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-12 05:27:38
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Gremlins 1985 BETA/BetamaxGremlins 1985 BETA/Betamax (0)
    Gremlins 1985 BETA/Betamax This item is in good working condition. Auction Sales Policy: Place a bid only if you are serious about buying the item. If the seller is unable to establish contact with the winning bidder within 3 days of the end of the auction or if payment is not received within 3 days, item may be offered to the next highest bidder or re-listed at the seller's sole discretion.
    2016-07-09 05:34:58
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Blue Elemental Blast x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, EnglishBlue Elemental Blast x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Heavy Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-08 05:40:38
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Balance x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, EnglishBalance x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Heavy Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-08 05:40:31
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Plains (1) x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, EnglishPlains (1) x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Heavy Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-08 05:40:23
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Mountain (3) x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, EnglishMountain (3) x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Heavy Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-08 05:40:23
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Plains (3) x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, EnglishPlains (3) x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Heavy Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-08 05:40:22
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Orcish Artillery x1 MTG Magic Beta Moderate Play, EnglishOrcish Artillery x1 MTG Magic Beta Moderate Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Moderate Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-08 05:40:21
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Swamp (A) x1 MTG Magic Beta Moderate Play, EnglishSwamp (A) x1 MTG Magic Beta Moderate Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Moderate Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-08 05:40:20
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Mountain (2) x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, EnglishMountain (2) x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Heavy Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-08 05:40:16
    Rochester, New York, United States
  • Glasses of Urza x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, EnglishGlasses of Urza x1 MTG Magic Beta Heavy Play, English (0)
      You are bidding on the card(s) listed in the auction title. The card(s) in this auction are: Condition: Heavy Play | Language: English           Welcome to Millennium Games! Millennium Games has been Western New York's premiere gaming store for over 14 years, offering the you the best in card games, board games, role-playing, and miniatures!
    2016-07-08 05:40:15
    Rochester, New York, United States

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