Hodaka ‘100’ five-speed—$425 POE West Coast
For $425, this new Hodaka gives you more than just good looks
“While the other makes of motorcycles, large and small,
dropped like flies from the pounding, the Hodakas went on,
and OI1, and on. -----Cycle Racing Annual Report of the
1968 Cochella Valley Hare Scrambles.
1. What makes the Hodaka such
an outstanding motorcycle? “The
word is simplicity,” reports a noted
test writer. “Six tools. Six simple, in-
expensive tools plus a standard set of
metrics are all it lakes to completely
tear down and reassemble this little
masterpiece of design.”
2. The first Hodaka was produced
in 1964. Since then, over 140 im-
provements have been modified into
the design. Many are small things. The
kind multi-model manufacturers don’t
have time to notice. For instance, in
1968 we equipped the foot change
ratchet plunger with an extra grease
nipple. And designed a longer shoulder
for the sprocket overlay bolt. Just two
of the many modifications that help
keep the Hodaka running longer, and
faster than comparable makes.
3. Each Hodaka is engine tested
and ridden before being offered
to the public. Not every fiftieth.Or
every tenth Hodaka. The Hodaka you
see on the showroom floor is perfect.
From flywheel to fender mounts, it’s
been tested and inspected. Not every
manufacturer has the time to do this.
But we do with the Hodaka. It’s all
we’ve got to worry about.
4. Most new Hodaka parts will
bolt right on to earlier Hodakas.
So if you’re already a Hodaka owner,
you don’t have to buy a new one just
because it’s got more attractive clutch
and brake levers. As one industry writ-
er put it, “The old ones ran very well,
it’s just that—like the ads say—detail
improvements offer just that.” Parts
interchangeability. We designed it that
way. It makes Hodaka riders happier,
and that’s good enough for us.
5. More accessories are designed
for the Hodaka than any single
motorcycle model made in the
world. Scrambling . . . desert racing
. . . weekend trailing. Name your poi-
son, there’s a competition or pleasure
accessory to suit any requirement. The
Hodaka is built in only one size and
model. Yet, with the number of modi-
fications possible, it’s become the in-
dustry’s most versatile machine. Ho-
daka’s full down-tube frame, light
weight (180 lbs.), and standard five-
speed transmission give it the basis for
top performance in any event.
6. Past performance is proof.
Many people ride the Hodaka for
easy pleasure. But the proof of a
great machine can be demonstrated
only under the strain of competi-
tion. Hodaka has been the National
Trailbike Champion the last three
years, winning more events in its
class (and many out of it) than
any other trailbike.
In one California desert
event, fifty-four out of the seventy-
four lOOcc class finishers were rid-
ing Hodakas. And won the first
ten places.
Sand me your booklet, “The Hodaka Story."
I'm enclosing 25c to cover postage and handling.
Box 327 Athena, Ore. 97813