2009 KLR 650 in great condition! Title and registration certificate in hand.
This bike runs great and is very comfortable. I only bought this bike back in April 2024. I have ridden it a few times and changed the oil since then. The previous owner, however, took fantastic care of this bike. It runs great and has all the popular modifications plus some. Cosmetically, it is like new aside from a few minor scratches. If you would like additional info or pictures, let me know!
It is a bummer to sell this bike so soon since I purchased it, but I have found it be quite tall and a little challenging to ride for someone of my height and riding experience. I actually am hoping to replace this bike with a slightly smaller one that I can flat foot. Let me know if you're interested, and we can work out a chance for you to check out the bike. I am located near Sugarhouse in Salt Lake City, and I prefer it if potential buyers come to me.