Combined shipping is most always available, please request an invoice prior to paying on multiple items. Please note that I do no cleaning or repairs and leave that to the hobbyists.
Most all used items will be in need of some work and tend to be dusty and even dirty from sitting in storage. These are mostly older aged items, there will be flaws unless noted. Please look at all photos carefully and do not bid unless you are certain you will be able to work with any defects. I'd rather you not make the purchase than be disappointed and want to return the item. I'm happy to research any questions or send additional photos as needed. All items are sold and shipped out as they are received , no work, repairs or cleaning are done.
Feedback will be gladly given after the buyer has inspected their item and has left feedback for me. To avoid either of us having a negative experience, please inspect your item on receipt, and contact me immediately if you are not satisfied so the situation can be remedied. I want my customers to be happy. Good luck with your bidding, and happy auctioning!
Be sure to add me to your favorites list! Thanks for looking
Dan Turner
Dashing Dan