I purchased this bike in 2017 as a 2006 zx6r track bike. The motor has fewer than 5,000 miles on it to the best of my knowledge, and is very strong.The frame was replaced a year ago (with a 2005 vin), along with all bodywork(2023). This has been a great and reliable race bike; I am simply moving on to a different bike. This zx6r is fully serviced, safety-wired and ready to go! The following is a summary of some of the great parts, including New in 2022, BITUBO EBH fork cartridges, AND BITUBO XXZ racing rear shock. This suspension set-up is $2500 alone. ALSO:WOODCRAFT RACING...clip-ons, rear sets, ignition key delete, frame sliders, and billet stator cover. ANNITORI quick shifter (QS Pro). Re-flashed ECU-Schnitz Racing. Power Commander III (zero map since ecu reflash). GP Steering Stabilizer .Muzzy Slip-on and mid-pipe. K@N air filter. Superbike Unlimited rear brake rotor. Brembo front master cylinder with steel brake lines. Vortex 520 Race Chain...of course there are many extras that are also included in this listing, including the stock cartridges and rear shock! Should it be necessary to re-list again; the Bitubo suspension will be removed and the OE set-up will be installed, resulting in an even lower price. I am really hoping to sell it with this well-developed set-up but I understand that it does make the package more expensive. This has been a really fun and reliable bike, and I hope I don't regret selling it. I just hope it will help the next owner appreciate the sport and improve their skills. Thank you for looking.