I bought this bike from a friend in February 2007 and it has been in climate controlled storage since then. It's in nice but not perfect condition. I know the fuel pump is not working but the engine runs fine if you spray starting fluid into the intake. I can send a link to a video demonstrating this if you message me. I've read that a Yamaha R6 fuel pump will make a good substitute but I don't have the time or inclination to get this bike back to running and riding condition.
Here is the link if Ebay allows it:
I noticed that the VIN on the title is missing the final digit (a number "1"). I think this is because the sticker has been damaged. You can see the missing digit on the engraved version on the neck of the frame. Most DMVs will accept this and update the title to a full 17 digits if only one character is wrong. This was a weird era when bikes were transitioning from whatever VIN the manufacturer wanted to the Federally mandated 17 digit VIN that met specific requirements.