We accept returns on all un-used items, items must be returned within 30 days of delivery date (We offer extended holiday return times) If for some reason you cannot get the item back to us in 30 days because you are just too busy, DONT WORRY, we will still take it back as long as the item has not been used and its been returned within a reasonable.
- If you ordered the wrong item and do not want to exchange, You pay shipping both ways.
- If you ordered the wrong item and want an exchange, you pay return shipping only
- If you no longer want the item just because, You pay shipping both ways.
- If we made a mistake and sent the incorrect item, We will gladly pay all shipping costs. If there is any problem what so ever with your purchase please contact us before leaving feedback. We will be happy to take care of the issue. We dont make a living upsetting people, we make a living gaining happy customers! |