bike has ALWAYS BEEN A SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bike !!! Which to collectors
makes Her FAR More Desirable & Collectable (as we get almost no rain
here at all, Typically Only about 2 to 3 inches a year ...& in our area Most
of the time not even that much) & the Temperatures are most of the time a Museum like 65 - 75 the Majority of the year. ......Again, These
DT-1's are famous for: Always being a High Quality, Super Simple & Inexpensive To Maintain, Durable , RELIABLE
+ EASY TO RIDE , FUN, Go Most Any Where Bike ...for families Around the World !!! PLEASE NOTE a Nice Example of one of these 1969 YAMAHA DT-1 ENDURO's value Guides for Nearly $7,000.00 (to be Exact $6,700.00 ! ! ! ! !) & the Values of these have been going up "A LOT" in Recent Years ! ! ! ! So She is a True "No Brain-er Deal" for what I have her listed for Especially when you consider She has a Factory YAMAHA ~1969 Replacement Engine & She Runs GREAT ! Also little use is on this Beauties Chassis & how long ~30-40 years she has been in Dry Covered storage ! ! ! ! ! ! Think About it...Where can you find another DT-1 Like this these days !!!! !!!!!!!!
* Lucky You.. can be the First New Owner Since this Bike has Just had a
Beautiful Cosmetic Restoration ... This Wonderful Bike Starts Super
Easy & Runs GREAT Her Clutch , Control cables & Brakes All work Great ! I had the
Seat Professionally "Rebuilt from the Frame Up" and we Nearly completely dissembled this
wonderful Bike & also Refinished most All of Her Main Components were cleaned, repainted and
then my Mechanic and I re-assembled her "by hand" piece by piece.
DURABILITY, & Easy Simple Maintenance...She is definitely one of the All Time Worlds Best
& Favorite Classic Vintage Japanese ENDURO's In Fact YAMAHA Started
Perfected the High Quality Japanese ENDURO for the Worlds PLEASURE !!!!
These DT-1's are famous for: Always being a EASY to RIDE, SUPER FUN,
Go Most Anywhere
Bike ...for families ALL Around the World !!! When these bikes were
made ,There was "No Other ENDURO Bike on EARTH that were as LOVED and were as
POPULAR as the YAMAHA 250 DT-1 ENDURO" ! ! ! Her Odometer Shows only 4758 miles !!! & She was Last registered JANUARY 1973 ! ! ! & early in her life she has a "FACTORY YAMAHA REPLACEMENT ENGINE" ! ! ! ! As detailed in the next paragraph...
Beauty has been in Covered storage for Many Years (( & particularly
recently She was in Covered storage for the past 3-4 DECADE's)) &
according to her prior owned she has a fairly LOW HOUR
Engine (& some time since this bike was New She has a NEW Factory
YAMAHA Replacement (Warranty replacement??) ENGINE) (This can Be Proven because these YAMAHA Replacement engines numbers are Factory Blank).. (My Mechanic & I
disassembled Her Engines Top End Her Gaskets, Piston and Rings etc
were either Recently replaced & or She has fairly low hours <<Please see click on pictures>> I was told her engine was replaced just a few hours before she was Placed in storage 30 -40 years ago) << Again Please see click on pictures>>...&
YES! She RUNS GREAT & Has TONS of Compression & Starts Typically
Super Quick & EASY !!!! as you can see her Rolling Chassis has just had a
FRESH & Very
Nice Cosmetic
Restoration (As detailed above) & is just returning to service again
& She Starts Well & is
Great" I personally think the more you run her the Better she will run
! Make No
Mistake this Baby... Runs, Shifts &
Rides & Stops GREAT ! & YES! She HAS TONS of LIFE Left in HER !
I designed this bike to look more like a Slightly Earlier 1968 YAMAHA 250 ENDURO (with the Red YAMAHA Badge) She has Brand New Style Gas Tank YAMAHA Re-issue Badges + Correct Style Oil Tank Graphics & 1968 Custom Made Pleated style seat etc etc...Therefore She is the Very Best of All Worlds ...Early Style Looks & With YAMAHA's FAR MORE COLLECTABLE FIRST GENERATION Piston Port Style Engine which I have been told over the years is "FAR More VINTAGE RACE-ABLE" ! ! ! !
PLEASE NOTE: Over The last FIVE Years I have had FIFTEEN of my Bikes in the "Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Clubs" Booth in the Largest Motorcycle Show on Earth ...The Los Angeles Progressive (Cycle World) Motorcycle Show (Please see included below)....Also, if you go to the Website & if you look at their pictures of their YAMAHA reissue Gas Tank Emblems You will see OUR YAMAHA ENDURO Bike that is painted in this auctions Bikes "EXACT" .."Candy Pearl" lk. Tangerine Color ..Also, Previously We have had up to SEVEN Bikes a year in the El Comino Vintage Bike Show which has been considered... "The Largest outdoor Vintage Bike Show on the West Coast"..So YES ! our bikes do get around.
ITEM and also PLEASE get permission from you Spouse, parents etc etc as
by bidding you are entering a Biding Contract.... Thank You in advance
for bidding responsibly > > >
We are just completing Her Cosmetic Restoration The Original Owner Received a ORIGINAL ~1969 FACTORY REPLACEMENT ENGINE just prior to putting her in
storage Aprox 30-40 years ago (last tags were January 1973) (IE)New:Piston+Rings etc ...& YES!
GREAT.She was at one time re-purposed as a off road bike, She looks
to still have
All of her lights & majority of her Tachometer & Speedo etc Present & look
to be in Good Condition, again, I have not had time to test them.So I have
no idea if
they function at this time,Again,I have not tried to electrically hook up any of Her
Orig.Headlight &a Tail Light,appear Present.I have not spent
anytime,to see if light etc items work..As MANY of these Original Series "PISTON PORT" YAMAHA ENDURO's Are Purchased to Become VINTAGE RACING BIKES !!!! So again I have not spent any time to try and make them operatrional...However .I
have a Brand New Battery in box. Again, Lights all appear to be present+in good
condition.She Runs STARTS & SHIFTS + STOPS GREAT !!! ,so All of our effort on Cosmetic restoration as
detailed below & also we Flushed Her :Fuel Tank+Carburetor+gas+Fuel Shut Off
Valve&/W Fresh Gas,She started right up!We Cleaned+Inspected All
Clutch Plates+Shifter Mechanism+Replaced the Gear Box Oil W/Brand New
High Quality Trans Oil,Brand New fuel lines & a Brand New UNI sock style Air Cleaner Element, etc.Fairly New High Quality PERELLI Rear & Original Style Front Dunlap TRAILS UNIVERSAL style TIRES,Quality Her Seat was "Frame-Up"Rebuilt Seat
from her Frame Up !
PLEASE NOTE: I am selling off
entire my HUGE Vintage Bike Collection+All Priced to sell as you can
see"All Way Below Book Value"So,please bid accordingly"”
VIN= DT1 VIN # = DT-1 63225 = (Vehicle Identification Number) = + or - a Digit or two.
![photo 001_zpsmwfaumdq.jpg]() < < < PLEASE DO NOT BID ON THIS ITEM BEFORE YOU HAVE READ THIS
ITEM and also PLEASE get permission from you Spouse, parents etc etc as
by bidding you are entering a Biding Contract.... Thank You in advance
for bidding responsibly > > > This
1969 is the Very First (and Most Collectable) ORIGINAL Generation of the 1969-1971 (a 1969 YAMAHA DT1 ENDUROs Which a
Nice Example as per Value Guides a little under $7,000.00 ......($6,700.00 to be exact) But, I have been told they can sell for Far more than that if they are in particularly nice condition...So as you can
see this Beauty is a BARGAIN for the Ridiculously Fair price that I have
her listed for. She has SUPER LOW MILES and She Has a FACTORY REPLACEMENT ~1969 YAMAHA 250 ENGINE) ..& She has Spent nearly all of her Life in Covered Dry Storage !
Please keep in mind that the slightly newer 1972-75 & Up YAMAHA 250 DT-1
ENDURO's are Worth "FAR LESS" (IE) 1972-75 DT-1 "Even in Excellent
condition can Value Guide for many times not much worth more than HALF as Much as a
first Edition earlier 1968-1971 YAMAHA 250 ENDURO like this" !!!! ...& these Early Are More Vintage Race-able as well !
PLEASE read this Entire Auction & also, Please Read this auctions
Bidding Rules and Bidder requirements at the end of the auction before
Bidding on this item...Also Please Note Buying this item requires a NON REFUNDABLE 500 US dollar Good Faith Deposit and the balance of All Funds
need to be received by either Cash in Person or Via Bank to bank Wire
transfer within 3 Business days of auction close, I will allow slightly
more time for International Bank wires as I know they can take longer.
* PLEASE NOTE: I think this is a Very Good Running & very Nice looking Bike in very Nice
Overall Condition...However, If you are looking for a Perfect Bike or a
Vintage Show or Concourse show bike etc etc please look elsewhere as I
feel this is just a Nice Looking & Great Running Bike that we are
selling at about 1/2 of the Book value is for a Nice Example of
one of these Original FIRST Series Wonderful YAMAHA DT-1 250 ENDURO's ...So,
if you are looking for a Great Looking Fun Go most Anywhere kind of bike
..These Early DT-1's Are Famous For Doing that... However, If you are a Nit
Picker that for the most part "can't be pleased" & are looking for a near Perfect or
High Point Concourse bike etc etc ...Please do everyone else involved in this Wonderful bikes Auction...Please do
every Reasonable Person involved in this auction a "HUGE" favor &
look elsewhere & Please save your money as what you think you are
looking for or think you have to have ...typically a Concourse etc. Example of one of these early Year YAMAHA 250 DT-1 250 ENDURO's Can sell for something
Far Closer to Around $10,000.00 Around here. However, If you have Achievable
Expectations this may be a Great opportunity to get a Very Nice &
SUPER FUN Great Running Bike for Peanuts that ...& it's value will
most likely Continue to Keep going Up & Up the Next few years as
these are Rapidly Becoming "Harder and Harder" to find in reasonably Nice
condition like this Wonderful Bike.. <<<"Particularly Considering this Wonderful bike has been in Dry Storage for Approx. 30-40 years" >>>
Please Keep in Mind the cost of ownership and Cost of Maintenance for a Vintage Two Stroke
is a "Very Small Fraction" of what a four stroke would cost to own"...These
bikes are "SUPER SIMPLE" and nearly all of it's Normal maintenance can be
done without any of the four strokes typical Specialized tools and the
level Skill required is also FAR less...I have a HUGE Collection of
Vintage Bikes and ALL are Air Cooled, Two Strokes...For Just that same
Reason...Also, Parts are Very Available for these YAMAHA ENDUROs on ebay
and Many other sites & Even the Dealers still sell Many of the the
parts for these MAGNIFICENT DT-1 ENDURO's ! ! ! !
bike has ALWAYS BEEN A SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bike !!! Which to collectors
makes Her FAR More Desirable & Collectable (as we get almost no rain
here at all, Typically Only about 2 to 3 inches a year...& in our area Most
of the time not even that much) & the Temperatures are most of the time a Museum like 65 - 75 the Majority of the year.
DT-1's are famous for: Always being a High Quality, Super Simple To Maintain, Durable , RELIABLE
+ EASY TO RIDE , FUN, Go Most Any Where Bike ...for families Around the World !!!
* Lucky You.. can be the First New Owner Since this Bike has Just had a
Beautiful Cosmetic Restoration ... This Wonderful Bike Starts Super
Easy & Runs GREAT Her Clutch , Control cables & Brakes All work Great ! I had the
Seat Professionally "Rebuilt from the Frame Up" and we Nearly completely dissembled this
wonderful Bike & also Refinished most All of Her Main Components were cleaned, repainted and
then my Mechanic and I re-assembled her "by hand" piece by piece. She has BOTH Front and Rear Dunlap tread style Trials Universal Style re-issue Tires ! & a PIRELLI Style Trials Universal Style re-issue Tires !
Again, This
Magnificent Beauty Starts Great + Runs Amazing & She Shifts & Stops Excellent
etc etc + all of her Control cables Brakes Etc Etc all seem to work
Great as Well.
Her Prior owner used her very rarely and after several years re-purposed her for off-road
use but, as you can see I re-installed all of her head lights etc again
and if you want to run a battery I will be INCLUDING "FREE" a "BRAND NEW" battery for her... ! It looks like her Headlight & Taillights look to be present & look to be in
fairly good Shape. But, I have not spent any time to figure out what it will take to get them working these are VERY VINTAGE RACE-Able bikes so there is a Very High Likelihood that this Beauty may end up as a Vintage Dirt Racer ??
* * Please Note * * Very Recently (December 2014)
this auctions bikes' cousins (IE) that were also built by us side by
side to this auctions bike) the other
Two of our bikes <<This Bikes slightly smaller twin Brother
>> a Vintage Racing 1978 RM 250 SUZUKI (Yellow) & also our
73 Tribute Vintage Racing ELSINORE
CR 250 (Green / Aluminum) we Displayed at the "WORLDS LARGEST"
SHOW" (the Los Angeles Cycle World / Progressive Motorcycle Show, (Los
California Area) Our "Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Clubs" Booth
earlier (December 6, 7 & 8th 2013). Look to the right of
the 3rd pictures which shows a Local Los Angeles TV News Crew
interviewing Our V.J.M.C. Clubs President (in the Red & White Shirt)
the Shows Opening day ! ! ! * * *PLEASE NOTE: Over the last three years we
have shown "EIGHT" Vintage Motorcycles in the V.J.M.C. Booth At This Show Alone !!!! <<as
well as an Additional "FIFTEEN" of our other "Vintage Japanese Bikes" that we
Showed at the Los Angeles Area October 2013 "IRWINDALE INTERNATIONAL
RACEWAY" Classic / Vintage Bike Show (said to be "The Largest Motorcycle Vintage
Show event in California") ...over the last two years>>
PLEASE NOTE:Above are 6 Pictures are "NOT" of this auctions bike but are
of this bikes cousins (IE) (of the first 4 =this auction's bikes cousin a 1978 RM 250
Brother) (IE) as above we also built these two other bikes we also
built &
cosmetically restored our other Vintage Racing: the (Yellow) 1978 SUZUKI RM 250's
& the (Aluminum & Green) Vintage CR Elsinore 250 Vintage Race
(Dec. 2014) we Displayed at the "WORLDS LARGEST" MOTORCYCLE
SHOW" (the Cycle World / Progressive Motorcycle Show, (Los Angeles,
California area) Our "Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Clubs" Booth
earlier (December 2014). Also, The White & Black Suzuki
Road Racer at the end of he row next to our VJMC clubs sign (3 bikes to
the right of our yellow 250 RM Suzuki)... was one of two bikes of it's
Exact type
in Existence (a 700ccSquare 4 "Two Stroke" w/ 4 Rotary Valves..Yep ! She
is a BREAST ! ) and I was told by most everyone there that she was
much "Priceless" ! The two Bikes in between ours & this were two 4
Cylinder "Two Stroke" YAMAHA a GP 500 & a GP 700 like my Hero the
GREAT Kenny Roberts became a WORLD CHAMPION on !!!
is some More GREAT NEWS ! I have the DMV Computer Print Out on This
Wonderful Bike & She is 100% Free & Clear of any and all back
fees, 100% Free & Clear of any and all back registrations & 100%
Free & Clear of any and all back penalties as she has been in storage so long that she is 100% off the DMV system at this time. Included with This Wonderful Bike...I
will be including a
California DMV (NOTARIZED) "Transfer of Ownership" (Notarized, Equiv. of
a Bill of Sale) from myself to you the new owner.. which
from what I hear in neighboring states, should be what you need to
register it if you live outside
of California. ... If you just want to Vintage Race this bike... the DMV
of Sale" is all you will need...Again, YES ! ..I will also include the
Department of Motor Vehicles Current DMV Computer Print Out on this
Wonderful Bike that shows & Proves
that because this Beauty was in Covered dry storage for the past aprox. THREE Decades
& because of this... (after typically aprox. 7-8 years here in California) there are No current DMV Computer records
Wonderful bike & therefore there should be NO back fees and NO back
taxes etc etc. etc. owed on this Wonderful Dual Purpose 250cc YAMAHA ENDURO or Vintage racing Bike. If you live
California & If you race Vintage Bike
Meets on Private MotoCross Tracks
or (Vintage Bike Shows etc) the Notarized Calif. DMV "Bill of Sale" is
all you will need. If for some reason want to go cow trail ridding
on California etc
Government National Forest Land etc land & feel you a may want a
National Forest etc DMV "Green Sticker" Or if you want Licnese plates to be able to street legal ride this Wonderful Dual Purpose Beauty...My Vehicle Registration Office
said that because this bike had been in covered storage for many years
(Approx. the last 3 decades) therefore if you live here in California
feel for some reason you want or feel you need a California Forestry
Land Green sticker (to ride in Government Forest etc land) Again will
be Easy because this bike is currently 100% off the DMV Computer books &
therefore there will be NO back fees NO Back License fees, & NO BAck Taxes etc etc (Again, Typically here in Calif.. after about 8 years DMV
records fall off the DMV Computers) (This Wonderful Bike has been in
Dry Storage for DECADES) and Again, this California National
Forest sticker is not required or Current Calif License Tags are not usually required for MX & Other Race
tracks and also NOT required for Vintage Bike & Classic Car Shows etc etc etc here in
California & a California
Nat. Forest Green sticker is not required if you live out of state etc
etc etc)....&
YES! ...she is all ready to transfer into your name ..In Calif. if you
have current street tags you have to have ongoing Insurance on a Licensed so that is why most collectors allow their collection bikes to fall off the DMV Computers...& it is a Fairly Easy Process to get a vehicle back on the street again if that is what you want to do with her....
<<< & YES! She has her Vintage Blue California Plate on her as I was planning to put
this Beautiful bike in a upcoming Vintage bike show
my eye ...I
think She looks Great ! ...I
have always been very Proud of this Particularly Beautiful YAMAHA 250
cc DT-1 ENDURO Vintage Bike ...& Even Nearly HALF a CENTURY LATER in (Nearly 2017) She LOOKS GREAT & She Starts Quick & Runs &
Shifts & Stops ...GREAT ! these YAMAHA 250 DT-1 ENDURO's are
Famous for being Super Easy Starting + Dependable
& Very
Reliable & DURABLE Bikes That unlike many other Vintage Bikes Are a True "JOY to Own" !
..& Vintage Racing Enthusiasts & Everyone I have ever meet seem to
be in Total agreement that .... "These YAMAHA 250 DT-1 Bikes are GREAT
& also many people use these for Vintage Racing ! & Quite
Possibly These are without Question one of the Very Most FUN , DURABLE, RELIABLE & All Purpose
Use-able Bikes I have ridden in
the past FIVE decades Since the late 1950's !" ((...& in the late
1960's & 1970's I was a contributing "Technical
Editor" for "CYCLE NEWS" Magazine (at that time it was the Largest
Motorcycle Publication on EARTH ! ! !)) & I wrote "FOURTEEN" Four to
Five Page
Featured Technical Articals for "CYCLE NEWS" Magazine ....& Also, I was also a
Four+ Year Sponsored *750 Open Class* Mainly "TT" &
some "Half Mile" Sponsored Racer for "BULTACO" Motorcycles (Mostly on a 360 cc "El Bandito" Two Stroke
!!!! ) in 1968 to 1973 So ...No One
Loves a
TRULY Great "Two Stroke" Dirt Bike this YAMAHA 250 DT-1 ENDURO
...more than Me !
....and again ........If you Pass Up
Wonderful Bike where will you ever find a YAMAHA 250 ENDURO with a
fairly Low Hour Engine & Chassis and also so little use & abuse on Her ! ?????
This is a
Bike that I think most any rider could Have "BIG
FUN" ridding all day long On ! These YAMAHA ENDURO Bikes Are Super Versatile & can Be Ridden on the Freeway & possible more importantly also feel almost as nimble & Well balanced as some Trails Dirt & Trail Bikes
everyone I have talked with
agrees these First & Early Edition 250 YAMAHA DT-1's
have hands down Always been considered "The Worlds Most Popular as well
as one
of the Worlds
BEST Production Dual Purpose ENDURO bikes ..& YAMAHA has Long Been
known for their GREAT RELIABILITY + FUN EASY of Maintenance & also
Solid "BULLET PROOF" Construction, AMAZING
Performance , Durability + Trouble Free,
Reliability. The Compared to many bikes with the Power &
Displacement of this Wonderful Bike these YAMAHA 250 DT-1 ENDURO's are
considered by Experts to be one of the
to own & to get parts for & Best Constructed and Truly VINTAGE
bikes "EVER MADE" & I also think one of the Most Most Rider Friendly
& "FUN" Bikes Made
in this Era or any Era !!! & this beautifully Cosmetically Restored YAMAHA
250 DT-1 is BY FAR one of the
Most Evolved & SUPER USEABLE Early
Successful "HIGH QUALITY JAPANESE CLASSIC ENDURO Bikes ("in 1968-69 when
these where first Issued..This Super Practical & FUN Bike was
"ROCKET SCIENCE" that "Really Worked GREAT " ! ! ! ), Very Simple less
hassle far more Reliable More Trouble Free Air
(FAR Better & Far less problems than the later early water cooled YAMAHAs
Etc ..I have heard)
(this being
one of the last years of these First ISSUE 1969-71 250cc DT-1 ENDURO's she is
the Perfect Bike Further Perfected being by YAMAHA (These SUPER SIMPLE
Air Cooled Super FUN "TWO STROKEs" Unlike most other Vintage Bikes Are
Typically always ready to have Fun With !!! ) .
AMAZING Bike Starts Easy & RUNS GREAT ! .. and I think she has what looks to be her
Original 1971 YAMAHA 250 DT-1 Gas tank that still looks to in
GREAT Condition with a Brand New White with Black striped paint & YAMAHA style
reissue style Tank EMBLEMS & Striping etc etc. ! Again, Her Gas Tank has
been Newly
refinished & Painted as are Both her Original Rear & nonOriginal Front Fenders, also
her rims,
spokes, shocks, Wheel hubs & Backing plates etc etc have all also
been refinished
& or Painted and I think look Nice. Her rear Shocks are her Original 1969 DT-1 Shocks which have been disassembled and cleaned and seem to work well however the dampeners may need to be restored... She has her front Original DUNLAP "TRAILS UNIVERSAL" Tread style pattern tires Her Rear Tire is a Reissue Almost "BRAND NEW"
High Quality PIRELLI Rear Back Tire !!!...
YES ! the gas tank
Graphics have been replaced with what looks to be ORIGINAL New Old Stock
or Incredibly Nice Graphics that look GREAT to me
to the & Look very Much like the YAMAHA Graphics that YAMAHA installed back when this bike was
Brand New !
The inside of her tank is Clean looks do Her
Handlebars, Pegs, Shifter, She has Brand Newly painted & refinished
Alloy Fork Tubes etc etc & her Rubber & Chrome Fork Boots look good & New Handlebar Grips !
levers etc etc are still in overall Nice
Condition ! The Shifter and Brake levers
look & Work Great ! Her Frame VIN serial number (+ or _ a couple of Digits is : DT1 63225
Beauty has been in Covered Dry storage for Many Years 30-40 (( & particularly
recently She was in Covered storage for the past 3-4 DECADE's)) & according to her prior owned she has a fairly LOW HOUR
Engine (& some time since this bike was New She has a NEW Factory YAMAHA Replacement (Warranty replacement??) ENGINE) (This can Be Proven because these YAMAHA Replacement engines numbers are Factory Blank). (My Mechanic & I disassembled Her Engines Top End Her Gaskets, Piston and Rings etc were either Recently replaced & or She has fairly LOW hours
ago just before she was Placed in storage 30 -40 years ago)...& YES! She RUNS GREAT & Has "TONS" of Compression & Starts Typically Super Quick !!!! as you can see her Rolling Chassis has just had a FRESH & Very
Nice Cosmetic
Restoration (As detailed above) & is just returning to service again
& She Starts Well & is
Great" I personally think the more you run her the Better she will run
! Make No
Mistake this Baby... Runs, Shifts &
Rides & Stops GREAT ! & YES! She HAS TONS of LIFE Left in HER ! *
* * Again....
Think About it , if You pass this
Baby Up .....where else will you ever find a First ORIGINAL Series YAMAHA 250 DT-1 ENDURO
Looking anywhere near this Nice with so little Use & Abuse on her ! ! ! ???????????????????????
This Wonderful Bike has Very Low Hours on Her Replaced & or Rebuilt Engine (as described above) and
I can Tell you compared to several of these 1969 YAMAHA DT-1 250 ENDURO's I
ever owned in prior decades ...this
Beautiful Bike Starts Easier and Runs FAR Better than most any other
YAMAHA 250 ENDURO I have Owned !!!! This was Owned by an older
gentleman & his family for many years that figured out decades ago due to some health issues...that he was just a little too old for a Ride as Spirited as
this AMAZING Beauty !!! She was always in a Nice Dry Storage in a Nice
Dry Garage for nearly a Decade. Once we flushed the tank
& Carburetor + put in
fresh gas & She started right up, Super Quickly ! ! ! ! ! ! !) We
Disassembled Cleaned and Inspected most all of her & replaced the
Gear Box Oil with Brand New High
Quality Trans Oil,
My mechanic & I completely washed
out & Flushed + Rebuilt her carburetor and & her Fuel Tank &
Fuel Shut off Valve etc.. & will include a Brand New High Quality Fuel Lines etc...& Every time we have run this Beautiful Bike over
the past few
weeks She has been running Better & Better "The Engine Runs Great
and compared to any other YAMAHA 250 I have ever owned She Typically
Starts SUPER Easy
& Has GREAT POWER !!!! ...She runs "GREAT" & Shifts Well thru
the gears.. &
Stops GREAT !!!! .
Auctions Bidding Rules: This is a fairly Big ticket item so please
NEGATIVE feedback bidders or if you are new to ebay (less than 90 days)
& or have less than 10 feedbacks feedback ... please email me &
approval "PRIOR" to bidding or your bid may be removed etc * Please Ask
all your questions and Please Do your research "PRIOR" to bidding on this
item. ...AGAIN... PLEASE, work out all shipping details & Know what
Transporting will cost you BEFORE You Bid !, Buyer is responsible for & pays for any and all shipping
involved with this item .Also, Please make sure your
spouse is 100% up for this..* Winning bidder must
contact us within 24 hours by phone & also, Place a Non Refundable 500 US
dollar pay pal deposit (I will email you my phone number & Wire info
after the close of auction). * & Also... ALL Negotiable Funds must
received within 3 days
of close of auction.<< Either by Bank to Bank Wire or Cash in hand
>>* * * If these have not been done * Please Note
*... You will be in default of this auction. & will very likely
lose your deposit if the winning bidder flakes out & is not
responsible on the funding of this AMAZING Vintage Racing Beauty .* * *
this is paid off (in required three (3) M-S
days) I am willing to store the it
for up to 2 weeks in my garage from close of auction while you arrange
pickup & I will gladly assist you with
shipping to any International
or Domestic
Shipper in the Los
Harbor area.Seller reserves the right
to the close of this auction at his discretion prior to the end of this
auction . Like all real auctions all sales are final. Like most any used
item terms of
sale are of
course, AS IS with no implied or expressed warranties. and purchaser assumes all risk for the use of this Wonderful Motorcycle. All forms of payment
must be Proven "Cleared" by my bank before this Wonderful Bike can leave
my homes garage. Please do us both a Big Favor and Please do not bid on
this item unless you are able to 100% Fund this at this time, unless
prior arrangements have been made & Cleared by me (Prior to bidding
on this item). Thank You, Good Luck and Happy Bidding !
Hi, Everyone...I Have had a lot of emails this morning asking me
about Shipping Quotes...To get a Good & or Very Fair Deal on
Shipping ..I would get as many Quotes as possible...Otherwise, you will
pay Way Too Much...I would try where shippers Competitively
bid to get your Shipping business. To do this properly, Get as Many
Competitive Rates as you can (so you will know when a fair rate presents
it'self).......& also to protect yourself. YOU need to get the
quotes yourself ...& Therefore...(IE) you will need to get your own
quotes for shipping, I believe ebay my
have a shipping service for vehicles... also, is very
competitive if you take your time & get plenty of shipping Bids for
this ...
* * About a year ago Someone bought my 1975 400 Yamaha Enduro (which
Weights I think a little more than this Wonderful Bike) & the YAMAHA 400 Enduro
about $ 325 to go from here (Los Angeles, Calif.) to North Carolina. & a 400
YAMAHA IT ENDURO to Florida went for under $ 300...PLEASE NOTE: My Home
is a GREAT Place to get a Shipping Quote From !!! (IE) I live just ~5
Miles North of the Los
WORLD") & ~8 Miles South of the Los Angeles "Commercial District"..
so "EVERY DAY A Zillions ("MANY") Trucks".. Leave this area to go to
the Entire rest of the
Country ...(IE) all you need to do is find a truck that has a little
extra space & Trust me their Rates will be FAR Better than someone
that the is no where near this area & trip is not
on their way & or Not Convenient for them or ??? . Therefore, the
more Quotes you get the Better the Shipping Rate
will be to your home (So "YES" get lots of Quotes).
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Art &
Diane Ridderhof
P.S. be sure to tell Each Shipper that this is a fairly "LIGHT" weight bike
(I believe, approx. 250 pounds) dual purpose bike and NOT a 700+ pound
Harley etc. (TANK) or something (IE) Trust Me.."Mentioning that Fact will Save you
a lot of Money") ...I live in Long Beach /Lakewood California Zip = 90808