Leather Steering Wheel Cover Black Beige Grey VW Bora Vento Corrado New Beetle (0)
Leather Steering Wheel Cover Colour: Black, Beige or Grey - You can choose the colour of the cover from the dropdown menu when you place the order Diameter: from 36cm to 40cm - You can choose the size of the cover from the dropdown menu when you place the order BEFORE and AFTER: Advantages of OUR steering wheel cover: * Made of 100% genuine leather * Easy fit - 2min job! * NO NEED TO SEW * Fits over your steering wheel like a glove * Lowest price on the market for the highest quality * Soft leather for the perfect touch * Moulded grip to improve handling * Extra light Steering wheel covers from other sellers: * Other sellers sell leather imitation for the same price * 1 hour sewing needed to fit * The result might not meet your expectations! * Much more expensive and sometimes with worse quality Fitting instructions: - Easy fit - 2 minute job - There are no special instructions in order to fit the steering wheel cover.2016-06-18 05:12:20EU, delivery time - 1 to 4 weeks, Bulgaria011.99 -
2 x Front AERO Stlye Windscreen Wiper Blades Retro Fit FLAT BEAM for VW (0)
2 x Aero Wiper Blades Aerodynamic style Standard fitting - HOOK type Long lasting No streaking Very quiet Choose the model of your car from the dropdown menu at the top of the page when you order the item. The dimensions of the wipers is indicated next to the car model. Easy installation:2016-06-21 05:47:28EU, delivery time - 1 to 4 weeks, Bulgaria05.99 -
Blue cigarette lighter for VW Vento Jetta Lupo Caravell- (0)
Blau Zigarettenanzunder fur VW Vento Jetta Lupo Caravell Das Datenblatt dieses Produkts wurde ursprunglich auf Englisch verfasst. Unten finden Sie eine automatische Ubersetzung ins Deutsche. Sollten Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben, kontaktieren Sie uns.2024-07-08 06:46:40EU, Bulgaria013.06