custom, harley, bobber, chopper, S&S (2000)
This bike was built before the start of the entire cookie cutter custom bikes you see out there, built by some company and they all look the same. It has an Atlas Pro Magnum Frame, to hold the horsepower this motor makes. The motor is a combo S & S and Harley motor, with all of the good stuff mixed in.2013-10-22 00:57:04Payette, Idaho, US05,000.00
2007 Kawasaki VN1600D 0 (0)
2007 Kawasaki VN1600D Fuel Injected Nomad!2014-01-21 22:33:08Payette, ID031.00
4v u^2005 Yamaha FJR 1300 abs (0)
2005 Yamaha FJR 1300 anti-lock braking system2014-01-23 05:55:51Payette, ID0