2005 Harley-Davidson Road King POLICE Touring (2005)
2005 Harley-Davidson Road King POLICE, 2005 Harley Davidson Road King Police... Was my work bike and bought by me after year lease was expired. Has many upgrades in chrome, lights, gauge and sound system.2013-10-16 08:57:30Floral City, FL, US911,000.00 -
Used 2013 Suzuki Boulevard C90T For Sale (0)
Black Exterior, Black Leather Seat Equipped with a 1400 cc Engine 5800 mis on it. Great bike, all stock bags Windshield, Foot boards, very nice n clean bike LED brake light that has many changeable patterns Very bright front LED driving lamps Riding jacket with zip in cold weather section, cold weather gloves, helmet Financing, Nationwide Shipping and Warranties Available to Qualified Buyers Updated 201310022014-01-26 01:11:08Floral City, FL511,000.00