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  • 2020 Harley-Davidson Forty-Eight®2020 Harley-Davidson Forty-Eight® (2020)
    (866) 720-9769(866) 720-9769 12345678910of10 Full size photos Full size photos 2020 Harley-Davidson Forty-Eight®, Stone Washed White Pearl with 3179 Miles avai Stock #: 419180 Exterior Color: Stone Washed White Pearl Body Type: Sportster Engine: Air-cooled, Evolution® Mileage: 3,179 Heavy-hitting style with fat tires and an iconic peanut tank. Designed with its signature bulldog stance and 1200cc of corner cranking torque. Vehicle Description Heavy-hitting style with fat tires and an iconic peanut tank.
    2022-08-17 11:47:16
    Meredith, New Hampshire, United States

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