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Èíôîðìàöèîííîå ïîëå â ñîâðåìåííîì ìèðå èãðàåò êëþ÷åâóþ ðîëü. [url=https://365.kz/news/]Íîâîñòè Êàçàõñòàíà[/url] ÿâëÿþòñÿ âàæíûì èñòî÷íèêîì èíôîðìàöèè äëÿ æèòåëåé ñòðàíû è äëÿ òåõ, êòî èíòåðåñóåòñÿ ïîëèòè÷åñêîé, ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé è êóëüòóðíîé æèçíüþ ðåãèîíà. Ïðàâèëüíî ñòðóêòóðèðîâàííûé è êà÷åñòâåííûé íîâîñòíîé ðåñóðñ ñòàíîâèòñÿ ïðîâîäíèêîì â ìèðå ñîáûòèé, ïîìîãàÿ ïîëüçîâàòåëÿì áûòü â êóðñå àêòóàëüíûõ òåì.2025-01-26 17:56:58Muscat, Vermont, United States365365 -
1954 Gold Medal #392 THE FABULOUS FINN Dan Cushman LU KIMMEL Cover PBO (0)
THE FABULOUS FINN by Dan Cushman is Gold Medal Books #392 with wrap-around cover art by Lu Kimmel. Slight cover pull back, very light cover wear. Interior is tight and clean, appears unread.2024-07-10 00:49:26South Royalton, Vermont, United States05.50 -
NEW Hyosung Flywheel # 32102HN9101 (0)
Hyosung Flywheel PART # 32102HN9101 May fit GV250 Please check part # for you needs2024-07-08 14:48:12Brattleboro, Vermont, United States0225.00 -
2000 Harley-Davidson Other (2000)
Welcome to Harbor Vintage Motor Company Ebay Auctions 2000 Harley-Davidson Dyna Low Rider FXDL Motorcycle w/Thunderheader & S&S SuperE Carburetor. 2000 Harley-Davidson FXDL LOW RIDER w/Thunderheader & S&S Super E Carburetor. Brand new Harley Dunlop tires, new tubes & freshly balanced.2024-07-06 13:42:50Jonesville, Vermont, United States27,4056,500.00 -
2017 Triumph Bonneville (2017)
Purchased brand new in 2019 when we found it hidden in the dealer's warehouse. Full documentation, fresh from its 3rd dealer service (this one was $355.72) and VT inspected through June 2025. Includes Hepco and Becker C-Bow saddlebag mounts and soft saddle bags (approx $375) with integrated rain covers.2024-07-06 07:43:25South Burlington, Vermont, United States7141.00 -
2003 BMW R1150RT (2003)
Selling this beautiful BMW R1150RT motorcycle. two owners, well maintained, excellent condition and needs nothing. The bike is for Sale at The Daily Rider in Burlington Vermont.2024-07-05 15:43:42Burlington, Vermont, United States42,2242,000.00 -
1997 BMW R1100RT (1997)
Selling this beautiful vintage BMW R1100RT motorcycle. one owner, well maintained, excellent condition and needs nothing. The bike is for Sale at The Daily Rider in Burlington Vermont.2024-07-05 12:44:11Burlington, Vermont, United States41,4542,000.00 -
1953 Popular Library #548 STAY AWAY JOE Dan Cushman RAFAEL DESOTO GGA Backwoods (0)
STAY AWAY, JOE by Dan Cushman is Popular Library #548 with cover art by Rafael DeSoto. Square clean copy, like new. Interior is tight and clean, appears unread.2024-07-04 15:49:10South Royalton, Vermont, United States07.50 -
2005 BMW R1150R (2005)
Selling this beautiful BMW R1150R motorcycle. Two owners, well maintained, excellent condition and needs nothing. Buyer is responsible for shipping or pickup.2024-07-02 16:42:47Burlington, Vermont, United States92,8282,000.00 -
2007 Ducati Multistrada (2007)
Beautiful Ducati Multistrada 1100. One owner and well maintained. Has a new set of grips and a new set of Pirelli Scorpion tires.2024-07-02 12:42:18Burlington, Vermont, United States29,2742,000.00 -
Hyosung GT650 Comet LEFT REAR BACK TAIL FAIRING COWL SHROUD GT 6502024-06-30 13:44:47Brattleboro, Vermont, United States095.00 -
1978 Kawasaki KZ750-D1 (Z2) (1978)
Up for sale ( Also on Facebook Marketplace ) 1978 Kawasaki KZ750D Z2 . This model is Super rare as they were never imported into the USA . This was the end of the Z2 family ( similar to the KZ900 was to the Z1 family ) This one was brought back by a service member and has been in the State of Maine since .2024-06-26 11:41:52Brattleboro, Vermont, United States48,56820,000.00 -
1998 Harley-Davidson Touring (1998)
'98 H-D ROAD GLIDE with 2003 H-D TLE Sidecar. I'm the second owner, selling because I also have another sidecar rig. Mileage is slightly over 27,000 miles and is still being ridden.2024-06-24 17:40:22Bradford, Vermont, United States27,00011,900.00 -
2007 BMW F-Series (2007)
This motorcycle is ready to ride, a twin cylinder, fuel injected, water cooled, six speed transmission machine, with belt drive. It needs nothing, except a new owner. It runs perfectly.2024-06-24 02:50:21Bennington, Vermont, United States8,6904,200.00 -
1971 Honda CB (1971)
1971 Honda CB750 in excellent condition. This bike was restored a few years ago. The frame was sandblasted and professionally painted.2024-06-23 02:41:27Barre, Vermont, United States23,7279,900.00 -
2000 Harley-Davidson Other (2000)
Welcome to Harbor Vintage Motor Company Ebay Auctions 2000 Harley-Davidson Dyna Low Rider FXDL Motorcycle w/Thunderheader & S&S SuperE Carburetor. 2000 Harley-Davidson FXDL LOW RIDER w/Thunderheader & S&S Super E Carburetor. Brand new Harley Dunlop tires, new tubes & freshly balanced.2024-06-22 15:45:02Jonesville, Vermont, United States27,4057,000.00 -
2018 Triumph Bonneville (2018)
Basic Information Year: 2018 Make: Triumph Model: Bonneville Bobber Stock Number: 61458 VIN: SMTD42hl1jt879459 Condition: Used Type: Standard Mileage: 7406 Title: Clean Color: BLACK Engine Bore (in): 3.8 Bore (mm): 97.6 Carburetion Type: Fuel Injected Compression Ratio: 10.0:1 Cooling System: Liquid Cylinders: 2 Engine Disp. to Weight (cc): 2.39 Engine Size (cc): 1200 Engine Size (ci): 73.2 Engine Stroke: 4-Stroke Engine Type: Parallel Twin Fuel Capacity (gal): 2.4 Fuel Injector Fuel Requirements: Regular Horsepower: 76 Horsepower (kW): 56.6 Horsepower RPM: 6100 Starter: Electric Stroke (in): 3.1 Stroke (mm): 80 Torque (Ft Lbs): 78 Torque (Nm): 106 Torque RPM: 4000 Valve Configuration: SOHC Valves: 8 Valves Per Cylinder: 4 Drivetrain Number Of Speeds: 6 Primary Drive (Rear Wheel): Chain Transmission: Manual Primary Drive (Engine / Transmission): Gear Chassis & Suspension Frame: Steel Front Suspension Brand Name: KYB Front Suspension Size (in): 1.6 Front Suspension Size (mm): 41 Front Suspension Type: Telescopic Fork Front Travel (in): 3.5 Front Travel (mm): 90 Number Rear Shock Absorbers: 1 Rear Adjustable Shock / Spring Pre-Load Rear Suspension Brand Name: KYB Rear Suspension Material: Steel Rear Suspension Type: Twin Sided Swing Arm Rear Travel (in): 3 Rear Travel (mm): 77 Brakes ABS Brakes Brake Brand Name: Nissin Front Brake: Hydraulic Disc Front Brake Diameter (in): 12.2 Front Brake Diameter (mm): 310 Linked Brake System Front to Rear Rear Brake: Hydraulic Disc Rear Brake Diameter (in): 10 Rear Brake Diameter (mm): 255 Safety Headlight Type: LED Fuel Level Warning Rearview Mirrors Temperature Warning Temperature Warning Type: Gauge Comfort Digital Instrumentation Trip Odometer Specifications Dry Weight (kg): 228 Dry Weight (lbs): 502 Front Tire (Full Spec): Avon Cobra:100/90 R19 Front Tire (Inches): 19 Front Tire Aspect Ratio: 90 Front Tire Width: 100 Front Wheel Width (in): 2.5 Fuel Capacity (liters): 9 Height (inches): 40 Height (mm): 1025 Rear Tire (Full Spec): Avon Cobra:150/80 R16 Rear Tire (Inches): 16 Rear Tire Aspect Ratio: 80 Rear Tire Width: 150 Rear Wheel Width (in): 3.5 Seat Height (inches): 27 Wheelbase (in): 59.4 Wheelbase (mm): 1510 Wheels Composition: Steel Width (inches): 31 Width (mm): 800 Speedometer Other Information Engine Case Guard Exterior Covers Exterior Guards Foot Pegs Foot Peg Location: Driver and Passenger Fork Guards Front Fender Hand Grips Side Cover Rear Fender Stand Stand Type: Center2024-06-22 10:54:26Weston, Vermont, United States7,4068,200.00 -
https://casinobonusnodeposit7078.com/ (1979)
https://casinobonusnodeposit7078.com/2021-10-16 22:22:45Gray Mountain, Vermont, United States232232 -
Eagles Desperado Album LP Vinyl 1973 Asylum Records (0)
Description: · The LP (Long Play), or long-playing microgroove record, is a format for phonograph (gramophone) records, an analog sound storage medium. Introduced by Columbia Records in 1948, it was soon adopted as a new standard by the entire record industry. Apart from relatively minor refinements and the important later addition of stereophonic sound capability, it has remained the standard format for vinyl "albums".2016-12-08 04:45:30Cavendish, Vermont, United States013.99 -
1976 Triumph Trident (1976)
2016-11-23 04:48:38Essex Junction, Vermont, United States67,500.00 -
2010 Harley-Davidson Other (2010)
$8000 is firm. You must pick up in Glover, VT. Bank check or cash only.2016-11-02 04:37:44Glover, Vermont, United States228,000.00 -
1936 Harley-Davidson Other (1936)
1936 Servicar. This was the last year of what is considered the early Servis. I bought this bike in 2002 and rode it for awhile.2016-10-30 04:38:24Morrisville, Vermont, United States99941000 -
1956 20th Century "The Desperados Are Back In Town" Used Lobby Card (0)
You are looking at a great item. It is a 1956 20th Century "The Desperados Are Back In Town" Used Lobby Card. Please look at both pictures for condition.2016-10-29 04:51:17Essex Junction, Vermont, United States04.50 -
New 2017 Dakine Desperado Facemask Bandana Tilly Jane (0)
For sale is a new 2017 Dakine Desparado Face Mask in color Tilly Jane. One Size Fits Most. Features: Polyester outer Fleece lining Velcro closure All Over Graphic Print 44781 Ebay will only allow electronic payments so the only payment method available is Paypal.2016-10-29 04:46:51North Clarendon, Vermont, United States021.95 -
1987 Other Makes (1987)
no title clutch soggy fix it up an d ride it was out last summer until problem discovered and fixed only to return (bled clutch) needs parts replaced to be up to snuff new tires and final drive2016-10-23 04:35:53Rutland, Vermont, United States24233.00 -
1993 Honda ST1100 (1993)
Up for sale is a beautiful 1993 Honda ST1100 with only 22,259 miles. I've installed a tall Clearview shield, a pair of handguards, added a Givi trunk, and a pair of Fox handlebar risers. The handguards have to trimmed as they hit the clearview shield when turning lock to lock and they partially block the mirrors.2016-10-23 04:34:24Ferrisburgh, Vermont, United States223,400.00 -
2007 Other Makes Custom Bobber Motorcyle (2007)
2007 Precision Cycle Works S&S Custom Bobber 3,225 Miles Professionally Built by Precision Cycle Works and Completely DOT Compliant READY TO RIDE 96 Cubic Inch S&S Super Stock Black MotorS&S Super E Carb BDL 3" Open Primary, Left Side Final Chain Drive PCW Hard Tail Frame with DNA Springer Front End 2" Over Phoenix Custom Chrome Wheels Accutronics Controls Willwood Brake Calipers Rivera Primo 6 Speed Transmission Sinister Solo Seat Santee Xotic Lake Pipes Copper Braided LinesRear Axle Nut Covers Avon Grips and Matching Foot Pegs Avon 250 Rear Tire Avon 21" Front TireMany Chrome and High Performance parts on this bike Condition Notes: Runs, Drives, Brakes, Clutch and Shifts Perfectly New Primary Belt New Black/Gold Chain New Battery New Twisted Spark Plug Wires and Plugs New K&N High Flow Air Filter New Motor and Trans Oil Fluids Change Service Garage Kept *Overall Excellent Condition Pictures Do This Bike No Justice Whatsoever Needs Nothing, READY TO RIDE $7,900 Make An Offer Thanks For Looking and Take Care2016-10-20 04:37:05Vernon, Vermont, United States37,900.00 -
2011 Kawasaki Vulcan (2011)
1969 Suzuki Stinger (1969)
This is the nicest unrestored 1969 Suzuki Stinger T125 that you will find. This has been stored in the back of a Suzuki Dealership since the early 70s. It only has 565 miles on it and is all original.2016-10-10 04:37:15Brattleboro, Vermont, United States56517000 -
2004 Ducati Monster (2004)
2004 Ducati S4R condition: excellent engine displacement (CC): 996 fuel: gas odometer: 4217 paint color: Blue title status: clean transmission: manual I am selling my prized Ducati S4R because I have no time to ride it. It's in excellent condition. It only have 4700 mile on it! Many aftermarket parts including Power commander, Catlike handlebars, slipper clutch, Arrow exhaust, and custom Italian seat.2016-10-07 04:37:35Jericho, Vermont, United States46900 -
2013 KTM EXC (2013)
Excellent Condition, 495 miles, 22 hrs. Ridden about 50% on dirt roads, and 50% off road, oil changed every 2-3 rides. Everything works like new. Carbon fibre skid plate and pipe guard, new off road tires, new lithium ion battery. Adult owned and maintained, I'm the original owner, purchased new from Edelman's KTM Troy,NY in 2013. Always stored in a heated garage.2016-10-06 04:45:28Arlington, Vermont, United States4956,500.00 -
1978 Harley-Davidson Touring (1978)
Vintage 1978 Harley Davidson Shovel head. This Bike was taken down to the frame and all parts were removed and replaced or cleaned and adjusted. The engine was rebuilt.2016-10-05 04:33:30Rutland, Vermont, United States6629000 -
2008 Suzuki Other (2008)
Low miles, Excellent condition, Jesse Aluminum Hard Bags, Heated hand Grips, Givi Wind Screen, Bark Busters Hand Guards, Battery Tender Hook Up, Center Stand. Ready for Fall Touring.2016-08-29 04:50:14Wilmington, Vermont, United States55,500.00 -
Vincent Jackson 2013 Topps GOLD PARALLEL #439 Tampa Bay Buccaneers #'d /2013 (2013)
2013 Topps Gold Parallel #439 Vincent Jackson Serial Numbered: 1313/2013 The card will be packed in a penny sleeve, top loader, and team bag. Shipping will be USPS First Class in a bubble mailer. I do combine shipping: $0.25 per additional item and capped at $4.00.2016-08-28 05:12:32Bellows Falls, Vermont, United States053 -
2014 Ducati Monster (2014)
I'm College Bound so I must sell my Ducati Monster 696 - Make an offer! Price includes Ducati brand bike cover, battery tender, chain cleaner and lube. This is a fast, fun, well balanced, nimble, great handling bike!2016-08-25 04:55:14Williston, Vermont, United States46,900.00 -
2015 Kawasaki Vulcan (2015)
I am selling my Voyager as I am not into riding as much as I used to. I purchased this the beginning of July and it currently has 1300 miles on it. It still looks as it did when I bought it with the exception of the radio.2016-08-25 04:51:16Newport, Vermont, United States14500 -
2005 Honda CRF (2005)
2009 Suzuki SV (2009)
Suzuki SVF650 GladiusNew rear tire9,000 original milesComes with helmet, jacket, and glovesGreat ride!No mechanical or engine problems!$3,500 OBO2016-08-23 04:47:57East Dorset, Vermont, United States93,500.00 -
VINTAGE 80s MOTORCYCLE PINS NEW OLD STOCK. 5 pins, Jawa, Moto Guzzi, Matchless, Velocette, Vincent. Pulse Products made in England.2016-08-22 05:09:58Milton, Vermont, United States024.99 -
2011 Panini Pinnacle Vincent Lecavalier Tampa Bay Lightning Autograph Card (0)
You are looking at a great item. It is a 2011 Panini Pinnacle Vincent Lecavalier Tampa Bay Lightning Autograph Card. Please look at the pictures.2016-08-21 04:58:51Essex Junction, Vermont, United States063 -
1977 Harley-Davidson Sportster (1977)
1977 Harley-Davidson Sportster XLT, 1000cc, Iron Head, "Baby Dresser." The bike has about 38k original mileage. Most things work on the bike as they should and it starts, idles and goes down the road well. The rear brake does not work, the tires should be replaced and there a few leaks that should be addressed. I've ridden it about 3 miles and it seems tight.2016-08-21 04:38:39Montpelier, Vermont, United States3717000 -
1997 Suzuki GSX-R (1997)
This is a 1997 Suzuki GSX-R motorcycle. 12,500 miles on the original frame and 600cc motor. The bike starts easy and runs well but stalls when put in gear.2016-08-20 04:47:15Pittsfield, Vermont, United States121,595.00 -
1997 Yamaha Virago (1997)
1997 Yamaha Virago This bike has been in climate-controlled storage for 5 years. There are no known mechanical issues - runs great. It might need a new battery due to length of storage.2016-08-19 04:51:11Barre, Vermont, United States132,000.00 -
2004 Honda Valkyrie (2004)
2004 Honda NRX1800 Valkyrie Rune One owner, as-new condition This bike has been in climate-controlled storage for the last 5 years. It needs a new battery and the brakes need to be bled, but other than that it is ready for the road. The body is in pristine condition.2016-08-19 04:44:00Barre, Vermont, United States717,500.00 -
2001 Ducati Superbike (2001)
2001 Ducati 996 with only 4025 miles, new Michelin pilots with 300 miles on them, fresh oil change and filter. Belts were last changed in 2012, I recommend replacing those before riding. Bike is mint, runs like a brand new ducati, 98% perfect cosmetically.2016-08-18 04:51:38Chelsea, Vermont, United States46,800.00 -
1978 Honda Gold Wing (1978)
Here is a Vintage, Blast from the Past, 1978 Naked Goldwing in pretty good condition overall. The tires are good & the Bike does run, but the carbs will need adjusting or perhaps, cleaning. The Gas Tank shows no sign of leakage.2016-08-18 04:44:27Bennington, Vermont, United States3845000 -
Alton 12 V Generator Conversion for Vincent Twins (AGC01) (0)
This listing is for the Alton 12 volt conversion for your vintage bike. The unit on sale is for Vincent Twins (AGC01) Using permanent magnet brushless technology, Alton has created a maintenance-free, easy-to-fit solution to the problems associated with dynamos. This fuss-free alternator replaces 3 inch dynamos fitted on British classic and vintage motorbikes, maintaining the same size and look so it won’t appear out of place. Altons supply 85 to 90 watts at moderate cruising speeds providing sufficient energy to have lighting that conforms to modern expectations, coil ignition if you want it and a well-charged battery.2016-08-17 05:07:59Essex Junction, Vermont, United States0614.00 -
1999 Suzuki Intruder (1999)
1999 Suzuki VL1500 Intruder for sale. 11,700 original miles. Bike has never been down.2016-08-16 04:53:22Waterbury, Vermont, United States113,299.00 -
2012 Suzuki GSX-R (2012)
2012 Suzuki GSXR750 for sale. this bike is in like new condition with 2100 mile on it. One owner bike, lots of extras 2013 Suzuki Gsxr 750 for sale. Only 2100 original miles This bike has been meticulously maintained and is in Excellent shape!!2016-08-16 04:52:43Waterbury, Vermont, United States27,499.00 -
2010 Harley-Davidson Touring (2010)
2010 Harley Davidson Road King Classic. Bike has 21,450 miles. One owner bike.2016-08-16 04:36:02Waterbury, Vermont, United States2111,499.00 -
2013 Ducati Monster (2013)
Like new with low mileage. No accidents or damage. Stored in a garage year-round.2016-08-14 04:49:07Hinesburg, Vermont, United States37,000.00 -
2009 Kawasaki KLR (2009)
I'm selling a well cared for KLR 650. This bike is all set up for long distance touring, and has many extras! I was planning on riding it across country, but am no longer able to do so.2016-08-13 04:45:41Jeffersonville, Vermont, United States54,900.00 -
Yamaha/Hodaka Fork Tube pair ****FREE SHIPPING USA (0)
Brand new reproduction quality fork tubes. Specifically manufactured for the Hodaka 250cc, 175cc and (03) Wombat models.We are told that these fork tubes are also specific for the following Yamaha motorcycle models; 1972 DT2MX, 1973 RT2MX,1973-74' MX250/360 and SC500.Fork tubes are 34mm and are 23 1/2" in length. DT2MX new reproduction fork tubesThese are brand new chromed fork tubes. Please ask any questions that you may have before bidding.2016-08-12 05:04:19Arlington, Vermont, United States0225.00 -
1981 Moto Guzzi G5 (1981)
Barn Find: new rear tire, new points and condenser, rebuilt carbs,new intakes, new fluids. All set for next step of restoration.2016-08-12 04:56:34Colchester, Vermont, United States5445000 -
Batman #376 NOCTURNA Nightmares, Inc Hannigan Klaus Janson Cover DC 1984 (0)
~Welcome to our ebay Store~ Straight out of the Atomic Comic Bin we offer up issue #376 of Batman. More like the Detective Comics Stories of the 1970's, almost borders Horror/Mystery Tales. Shipped bagged and boarded flat!2016-08-09 05:29:32Bondville, Vermont, United States04.75 -
WELCOME TO WEASEL COMIX Great Comics at a Great Price! Item up for sale is: DC Comics, League Of Justice, #1, 1996. Modern Age.2016-08-09 05:29:17Pittsford, Vermont, United States01.99 -
2000 Moto Guzzi V11 Jackal (2000)
2000 Moto Guzzi V11 Jackal. Nice 1100 cc bike. Unique customization has been completed on this one of a kind motorcycle.2016-08-09 04:57:58Rutland, Vermont, United States253,900.00 -
2004 Yamaha Royal Star (2004)
2004 Royal Star 43600 miles excellent condition no issues what so ever. Turn key and go.2016-08-05 04:53:17Bakersfield, Vermont, United States437,000.00 -
2016 Ducati Scrambler- Limited Edition (2016)
For sale is a brand new Ducati Limited Edition Scrambler, production number 269 of 1,077. Purchased the bike last month but decide it was not for me. I have never ridden it, and it is still sitting on the showroom floor.2016-08-05 04:51:40Middlebury, Vermont, United States430000 -
2006 Suzuki DL650 VStrom (2006)
Selling my 2006 Suzuki DL650 Vstrom, I am the second owner and this bike has been well cared for. All maintenance is on record and has been regularly maintained with oil and air filter changes. Bike has roughly 45000 miles on it, comes with two ammo can panniers easily removable with sw motech mounts.2016-08-05 04:50:14Jeffersonville, Vermont, United States453,500.00
Kawasaki Ninja Price Analytics
Moto blog
2025 Kawasaki KLX230R / KLX230R S Review
Mon, 11 Nov 2024Designed to inspire addiction Kawasaki would like to think it knows its customer possibly better than they know themselves, and anyone invested in bringing new riders into the sport understands the importance of setting them up for success. A new rider’s first steed should be approachable, forgiving, playful, price-conscious, and cool. Kawasaki has set out to offer the perfect bike on all fronts, and in my opinion, they have succeeded.
2025 Kawasaki KLX230R and KLX230R S Review Gallery
Mon, 11 Nov 20242025 Kawasaki KLX230R and KLX230R S Review Gallery | Motorcycle.com Join Now My History Account Settings Log out Specs Classifieds Bike Reviews Product Reviews Best Motorcycle Cameras Best Motorcycle Earplugs Best Motorcycle Oil Best Leather Jackets Best Winter Gloves Best Sportbike Tires GPS Buyers Guide Gear Deals Types Adventure Touring Cruiser Electric Off-Road On-Off-Road Other Scooter Sport-Touring Sportbikes Standard Touring Touring Scooter Track Youth Brands Aprilia BMW CFMoto Ducati Energica Gas-Gas Harley-Davidson Honda Husqvarna Indian Kawasaki KTM Kymco Moto Guzzi MV Agusta Piaggio Royal Enfield Suzuki Triumph Vespa Yamaha Zero Resources New Rider's Hub Dealers Safety Forums Videos Insurance Specs Classifieds Bike Reviews Product Reviews Best Motorcycle Cameras Best Motorcycle Earplugs Best Motorcycle Oil Best Leather Jackets Best Winter Gloves Best Sportbike Tires GPS Buyers Guide Gear Deals Types Adventure Touring Cruiser Electric Off-Road On-Off-Road Other Scooter Sport-Touring Sportbikes Standard Touring Touring Scooter Track Youth Brands Aprilia BMW CFMoto Ducati Energica Gas-Gas Harley-Davidson Honda Husqvarna Indian Kawasaki KTM Kymco Moto Guzzi MV Agusta Piaggio Royal Enfield Suzuki Triumph Vespa Yamaha Zero Resources New Rider's Hub Dealers Safety Forums Videos Insurance Join Now My History Account Settings Log out Edit & Post 2025 Kawasaki KLX230R and KLX230R S Review Gallery Nothing kills that new-rider enthusiasm faster than fear and intimidation, but a perfect first bike should also be fun and enabling, with enough guts to stay relevant as rider skill grows. Kawasaki reached that balance point on the new KLX230R/S models. Read the full story here.
2024 Kawasaki Z500 SE Review – First Ride
Tue, 14 May 2024Displacement creeps alongside tech and styling updates Photos by Kevin Wing Every rider can fondly recall their first street motorcycle. Maybe it was a used 1980s “Honda Davidson” cruiser with miles of wear and tear. Or perhaps it was a shiny new lightweight sport bike, candy coated and bright like a Skittle.
2024 Kawasaki Ninja 500 Review – First Ride
Tue, 23 Apr 2024Photos by Kevin Wing Photo/Kawasaki Kawasaki has been dominating the realm of entry-level motorcycles, especially with the introduction of the Ninja 400 in 2018. In fact, they were so capable and enjoyable to ride that I bought one myself and it has become one of my favorite motorcycles in my stable. The Ninja 400 wasn't perfect, and I had my gripes about it.
2024 Kawasaki KLX300/KLX300SM Review – First Ride
Mon, 18 Dec 2023A winning formula gets even more… winning-er Photos: Kevin Wing Kawasaki’s media guy Brad Puetz (pronounced like the actor, though this Brad is not nearly as good looking or famous) said something that stuck with me. “Between the Versys 650 and this, these are the two bikes journalists tend to buy most from us.” As a previous Versys 650 owner – purchased from MO’s former Editorial Director Sean Alexander, and then passed down after me to another former MO staffer Tom Roderick, we can certainly attest to the first part. 2024 Kawasaki KLX300/KLX300SM Kawasaki has an unexpected success with the KLX300 and KLX300SM, so instead of massive changes for what's essentially an entry-level motorcycle, Kawasaki decided to make it look better.
2024 Kawasaki Ninja 7 Hybrid Review – First Ride
Tue, 31 Oct 2023The world’s first production hybrid motorcycle has a lot to offer – but does it make any sense in America? Photos: Kawasaki Like it or not, regulatory agencies around the world are cracking down on vehicle emissions and imposing some of the strictest rules we, the motoring public, have ever seen. One of these rules includes restricting, or even banning, petrol-powered vehicles through portions of some European cities.
2024 Kawasaki Eliminator Review – First Ride
Wed, 13 Sep 2023The Vulcan S Now Has A Sibling Once upon a displacement, 250 cubic centimeters was the unofficial beginner bike size of Japanese OEMs. Kawasaki upset that apple cart with the introduction of the Ninja 300 in 2013. Two years later, Honda and Yamaha responded with the CBR300R and YZF-R3, respectively.
2024 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R Review – First Ride
Mon, 11 Sep 2023Minor tweaks for one of the last supersports still in the game. But is it enough? Photos: Kevin Wing In recent years, what it means to be a supersport motorcycle has gone through a dramatic change.
CARB Filings Hint at Updated Kawasaki Z650RS for 2024
Mon, 10 Apr 2023Traction control and updated instruments expected The California Air Resources Board has issued an executive order for what we expect to be an updated Kawasaki Z650RS for the 2024 model year. The update is expected to be relatively minor, adding traction control to the Z650RS. The update would bring the retro RS model in line with the more modern-styled Z650 and the Ninja 650, both of which were updated with traction control for 2023, as well as the Versys 650 which received traction control in 2022.
How Much Power Does The 2023 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4RR Make?
Fri, 03 Feb 2023US-spec models may be significantly down on power We’ve been covering the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4R for a while now, and even up until it was revealed this week, there was skepticism about whether the little four-banger would actually come to America. Join the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-4R Forum After the official announcement, the obvious questions came up: How much does it cost? How much does it weigh?