Find or Sell Motorcycles & Scooters in USA
  • 2004 Other Makes Ridley2004 Other Makes Ridley (2004)
    2004 Ridley Sportster is a fun motorcycle anyone can ride. You do not have to know how to shift since this motorcycle is an automatic. It will run up to about 80 mph, but who needs to go that fast or more!
    2016-10-21 04:36:18
    Lincolnton, North Carolina, United States
  • Automatic Motorcycle 570ccAutomatic Motorcycle 570cc (2002)
     I have a 2002 Ridley  Sportster Fully Automatic Motorcycle Only a few of them out there Can't drive a stick? no need to know how... Has only 265 miles on it.
    2013-09-03 09:57:43
    Lincolnton, North Carolina, US

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