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  • KENNY ROGERS "Daytime Friends" Desperado Record 1977 LPKENNY ROGERS "Daytime Friends" Desperado Record 1977 LP (0)
     Visit my eBay Store: Bigggtime Music And Vinyl (You can search my ebay store for specific items using the search box above!!)  Kenny Rogers "Daytime Friends" on United Artists Records UA-LA754-G -- (STEREO)                <<<Be Sure to check out our other COUNTRY, Jazz, Rock-n-Roll, Pop, Easy Listening, Folk, Funk, R&B/Soul, Latin, World Music, Comedy, Big Band/Swing, Orchestral, Christmas, Religious/Gospel, Guitar, Piano/Organ, Horns, Percussion, Kids, Soundtracks, Spoken Word, Hip/Hop, DJ/Dance, 12" Singles and other LPs, 45s and CDs in our store!!! You can view them by clicking on the specific link of the category you are looking for in our store.>>>   _____DESCRIPTION_____    Original LP from 1977. Spectacular mid 70's release here from the one and only Kenny Rogers!! See track list below.
    2016-06-22 05:02:38
    Verden, Oklahoma, United States

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