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1965 Custom Built Motorcycles Chopper (1965)
this bike is titled a 1965 Harley Davidson. It is a pan head motor. Baker 6 into 4 transmission .2016-08-17 04:42:29Houston, Texas, United States15500 -
1969 Custom Built Motorcycles Chopper (1969)
69 Harley old school chopper, kick start, magneto, no battery, new top end, drag pipes, runs good, weighs 460 lbs.2016-08-09 04:42:50Knoxville, Tennessee, United States105,800.00 -
2015 Custom Built Motorcycles Chopper (2015)
2015 Harley Davidson Chopper A Pro street Frameworks 200 rigid frame is the basis of this machine. It has what looks like a 34 degree rake in the neck and a couple extra inches of stretch in the backbone and down tubes. A chrome plates billet fork assembly on it gives a little bit of a suspension for the front end, and besides the tan colored custom seat, the only thing smoothing the ride in the rear will be the 200 Avon Venom tire with lowered air pressure.2016-08-06 04:40:55Union Grove, Wisconsin, United States4918000